Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know-how in the Water sector
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HTML Document EMWIS Flash n°71, June 2009

Released 29/06/2009

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EMWIS Flash - June 2009
Euro-Mediterranean Information System on the know-how in the Water Sector
EMWIS is a program of the Union for the Mediterranean.
For further information:
Monthly Flash produced by the EMWIS Technical Unit-
It is available in English, French & Arabic.
(French & Arabic versions are available few days later)

In this issue N°71 (
1- Conclusions of the 9th EMWIS NFP Coordination Seminar, Nice (France) 2009-06-08/10
2- Union for the Mediterranean: 1st Ministerial meeting on sustainable development projects in Paris, 25 June 2009
3- The 11th Cannes Water Symposium: 30 June - 3 July 2009, Cannes (France)
4- World Water Forum 2012 will take place in Marseille, France
5- Meeting of the European River Basin District Authorities: « EURO-INBO 2009 », 2009-08-19/21
6- Europe: Report warns of 'poor and inadequate' river basin management plans for WFD
7- France: Water versus political concerns
8- France: The application of the European Water Framework Directive
9- Turkey: No change in basic parameters of water policy
10- Jordan: Spared a water crisis this year, but the future?
11- Jordan: Batrawi reservoir to raise per capita water availability in Zarqa
12- Israel: Drought declared as five dry winters take their toll & water crisis
13- Palestine: More than 16,000 people around Bethlehem get access to clean and safe water
14- Environmental problems in Israel and the Palestinian territories can't wait for the resumption of peace talks
15- Tunisia: Water demand will reach 600 million m3 by 2030
16- Egypt: Innovations in irrigation in the Nile Delta
17- Danish IT technology helps to secure stability in the Nile region
18- USAID and RAED Partnership on Climate Change and Water Issues
19- FP7 stimulates support for sustainable development
20- SCENES scenario development presented at the STRIVER Final Conference
21- Integrated Impact Analysis of the Water Scenarios
22- Google Brings Water Data to Life

1- EMWIS National Focal Points met from 8 till 10 June Nice for an expert workshop on metadata management & referential data sets (8-9 June) followed by a the 9th NFP Coordination Seminar (9-10 June). Conclusions, presentations and background documents are now available on line. The expert workshop resulted in the launch of a Mediterranean metadata catalogue to reference water information resources based on INSPIRE implementing rules (Spatial Data Infrastructure) and WISE - Water Information System for Europe- metadata profile. Water accounting principles were also presented to the EMWIS NFP and will be used for data harmonisation exercises in pilot countries, the first one starting on 30 June in Tunisia. During the coordination seminar, a special attention was given to publish information on the water tariff structures in the Mediterranean countries, the Joint Process working groups on "water monitoring" (survey ongoing the status of monitoring networks and programmes) and "Availability of Drought and water scarcity indicators".
Further information on EMWIS website.

IN BRIEF (Full news)

2- Jean-Louis Borloo, French Minister of Ecology, Energy & Sustainable Development, and Rachid Mohamed Rachid, Egyptian Minister of Trade and Industry, co-chaired in Paris on Thursday 25 June 2009, the first ministerial meeting of the Union for the Mediterranean on sustainable development projects. It address four major issues: water and environment, transport, energy and urban development. It can be seen as the starting point of a new process. A large number of projects were listed in these 4 domains and basic concepts for their selection were discussed, with the UfM secretariat playing a key role in this process. The financial institutions announced an impressive number of coordinated activities to support infrastructure projects and capacity building. The formal announcement of the relaunch of the UfM process is expected for the 7 July at a senior official meeting of the 43 UfM countries. Further information on EMWIS website.

3- Occurring every year in the “Palais des Festivals et des Congrès of Cannes”, the symposium gathers every year more than 3000 participants from 78 different nationalities, all actions taken into account, including many lecturers, congressmen and exhibitors.  The Cannes Water Symposium deals about several different activities such as scientific workshops, vocational training seminars, conferences, business meetings, visit of facilities, general public animations and evening of official reception for professionals. The UNESCO, the United Nations University, the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis and the City of Cannes – which are the co-founders of the Mediterranean UNITWIN, UNESCO and United Nations network on the water resources, sustainable development and peace – are participating to our international event. For its 11th birthday, the Cannes Water Symposium 2009 is taking an exceptional dimension Cannes, the World Water Capital from 30th of June to 3th of July 2009. EMWIS will be present at the stand of the International Office for Water (OIEAU). You can follow it in live at: http/// Further information on EMWIS website

4- On Friday 19 June 2009, the World Water Council selected Marseille (France) as the city and country to host the 2012 World Water Forum. The selection followed a rigorous process for evaluating the candidates and a final vote from the Council’s Board of Governors. The World Water Forum is the world’s largest water gathering that brings together over 20,000 political leaders, NGOs, government officials, water professionals, and scientists every three years. In an effort to benefit from the excellent quality of the two final candidatures, France and South Africa, the Governors of the World Water Council suggested that the countries work hand in hand. Prior to the vote, South Africa and France both had agreed to a partnership for the preparation of the next Forum. As such, when Marseille was selected, it extended an invitation to Durban, South Africa to be a full partner in the years running up to the Forum. Further information on EMWIS website.

5- The EU-WFD - Sharing experiences and meeting future challenges: Meeting of the European River Basin District Authorities: «EURO-INBO 2009» organised by the «Group of European Basin Organisations for the Implementation of the Water Framework Directive - WFD», will take place this year within the World Water Week in Stockholm, at the invitation of the Swedish River Basin District Authorities the days 19-21 of August 2009. Further information on EMWIS website.

6- The European Union (EU) Water Framework Directive is at risk of being undermined by poor and inadequate plans for water management prepared by EU countries, a new study by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and European Environmental Bureau (EEB) claims. The analysis found that none of the draft river basin management plans (RBMPs) rates well across a range of water safety, conservation and management measures. Despite increasing water challenges exacerbated by climate change, draft plans developed so far by member states generally put off major and necessary decisions, the report says, providing few mechanisms and little funding to achieve ‘good’ status for water bodies. Water pollution remains a serious issue also not sufficiently addressed in the majority of plans and large portions of Europe’s waters remain at risk of becoming unavailable or in need of expensive treatment. Water efficiency measures were particularly poor in most draft plans, with France’s Loire Bretagne basin described as ‘a partial exception’ where a water efficiency objective is proposed for drinking water supply for rural and urban areas. Public consultation on the draft plans is due to close at the end of June. Final plans have to be sent to the European Commission (EC) by the end of the year. Further information on EMWIS website.

7- In France, the City of Paris is preparing in 2010 a return to a public water management: it took several years to the elected parties to prepare this great change to remove global markets operators, with regard to water production, distribution and sanitation. By 2010, the City of Paris takes the control! GDF Suez and Veolia, two major French groups reign supreme on the water market in France.  The water needs a public utility management: it is the wish of the Lille city. The aim is to serve the interests of users and not those of shareholders. The utilities contracts are expected to end in 2015: the city is preparing for this transformation and the example of Paris is a reference to draw on course. Further information on EMWIS website.

8- In the Water Framework Directive, whose main objective is the good condition of water bodies by 2015, each major watershed must establish a water management plan. In the Artois-Picardie, it was decided that the revision of SDAGE (Schéma Directeur d'Aménagement et de Gestion des Eaux) and the development of a program of measures to monitor its implementation, will come into force before 22 December 2009. A public consultation took place in two stages: 2005 and 2008. The consultation of the institutions (January to April 2009) was extended to approved associations of environmental protection . Further information on EMWIS website.

9- Even though Turkey has received a satisfactory amount of rainfall this year, this does not mean that the risk of water shortage has been eliminated; apparently the Turkish capital has not been planning to make any changes to basic parameters of its water policy vis-à-vis its neighbours Iraq and Syria. Over the weekend, the Iraqi water minister suggested that Turkey has not followed through on its agreement to supply Iraq with the water it desperately needs. The Turkish Foreign Ministry declined to comment on whether the government planned to supply Iraq with more water, stating only that, “There is no tension between Turkey and Iraq on the water issue”. Ankara has not been planning to make any changes in the basic parameters of its water policy, while asserting that it has been outlining this policy as “using its cross-border waters together with its neighbors in an appropriate, fair and optimal way.” Yet, there is no agreement between Iraq and Turkey concerning the use of cross-waters, thus the amount of water to be released by Turkey. Experts continued warning citizens of Turkey to use water more efficiently to avoid water shortages in future years, despite the fact that Turkey received a satisfactory amount of precipitation last winter. Further information on EMWIS website.

10- Jordan may have been spared a major water crisis this year but the outlook is not good in the parched kingdom, and a range of measures and projects need to be implemented as quickly as possible, say experts. The government has said the kingdom will have enough water this year to supply its 5.6 million people, as its reservoirs are roughly half full. Figures from the Water Ministry indicate there are around a 100 million cubic metres (mcm) in reservoirs across the kingdom, out of a total capacity of 215.4 mcm. Jordan, which depends on rain as a main source of drinking water, was on the brink of one of the worst dry seasons in years, but heavy rain and snow came at the end of the season, boosting reservoirs, specialists said. Jordan has neither natural lakes nor major rivers, except for the River Jordan, which has been depleted due to industrial-scale use by Israel. Demand regularly exceeds supply and the annual amount of water available per person per year is only 145 cubic metres. Jordan has recently announced several mega-projects to tackle the water shortages, including the US$2-4 billion Red-Dead Canal project, which seeks to provide 850 mcm of potable water a year.  The government also signed an agreement with a Turkish company, Gama, last summer to pump water from the southern aquifer of Disi at a cost of $600 million. The project, which is expected to be completed by 2020, will provide Amman and the southern governorates with some 170 mcm of water a year. However, the Disi project has been delayed for years due to lack of funding. King Abdullah has given the green light for a mega $8.2 billion water strategy to alleviate the chronic water shortage, in accordance with recommendations from a royal committee. Further information on EMWIS website.

11- Work on a 14,000-cubic metre water reservoir that will serve Zarqa residents is expected to be completed during the first quarter of 2010, according to the Minister of Water and Irrigation Raed Abu Saud. The Batrawi Service Reservoir is being built under the second phase of a Japanese-financed project to improve the water supply in the Zarqa District that also includes extending water pipelines stretching over 3.7 kilometres. The total cost of the project (phase II) stands at about $25 million, according to a Japanese embassy statement. Phase II of the project, which started in 2007, aims at improving water supply conditions and increasing actual water availability from 84 litres per day per person in Zarqa, to 113 litres. This will be achieved by reducing the leakage percentage from 31 per cent to 25 per cent by distributing water at an appropriate pressure and optimum water distribution management in north Zarqa, Hashemiyeh and Sukhna municipalities. The minister noted that the Japan International Cooperation Agency's support to the Kingdom’s water sector totalled about JD232 million over the past years.  Further information on EMWIS website.

12- Israel's agriculture and finance ministries formally declared a drought in large parts of the south on 2 June, a move which will trigger compensation payments to farmers. However, Hila Be'eri, the Agriculture Ministry’s assistant spokesperson, said the decision would not affect prices of fresh produce or the water rations allocated to farming for 2010. The drought-stricken areas in the south produce mainly wheat, according to the Ministry. After five consecutive dry winters, Israel's main fresh water source, Lake Tiberias (also known as Lake Kinneret and the Sea of Galilee, and which is fed by the River Tiberias, in turn fed by the River Jordan and several other small streams from the Golan Heights), is at a dangerously low level. According to water authority data, only 80-85 percent of the average annual rainfall was recorded in 2009 in the Lake Tiberias area. In January the lake’s water level fell to a record low, and as of 3 June it was only 0.34 metres above the level at which pumping must be stopped. Israel has launched a national water saving campaign, which has included restrictions on the watering of private gardens, and in recent years some Israeli farmers have switched to using treated sewage water instead of fresh water, according to the Israeli water authority. Israel has three desalination plants - in Eilat, Ashkelon and Palmakhim - supplying some 150 million cubic metres of drinking water per year. Six further plants are planned to be operational by 2012, supplying 300 million cubic meters, nearly half of all current household consumption. Further information on EMWIS website.

13- More than 16,000 people in the Bethlehem area now have access to clean and safe water, following the completion of the EU funded project "Emergency Water Assistance to Drought Affected Communities in the West Bank". The project, funded by the European Commission Humanitarian Aid Department (ECHO) in collaboration with CARE International, aims to improve access to water for people in ten communities in the Bethlehem governorate affected by a severe and chronic shortage of water. A press release said that as a result of the project, under which water cisterns have been repaired and constructed and temporary water storage tanks made available, residents of the marginalized communities will have access to clean and safe water this year. These communities have been severely affected by the drought that hit the Southern West Bank for the past five years due to the their remoteness and restrictions imposed by Israel on the construction of basic water infrastructure and even water storage cisterns. Further information on EMWIS website.

14- The rivers discharge pollutes the sea off Gaza, such as the Wadi Gaza, where a steady flow of raw sewage blackens the sea for kilometres. The currents in the eastern Mediterranean move northwards, bringing sand from the Nile delta and sewage traces from Gaza to the beaches of Israel. Gaza's sewage problem is just one of several environmental issues which affect both Palestinians and Israelis. Last 5 June was World Environment Day, and it is appropriate to take a moment to survey the environmental damage around and ask what can be done to prevent it.  One of the major sources of water flowing into the Dead Sea is the Kidron river or Wadi Nara, which brings raw sewage from Jerusalem and Bethlehem. The effect of global climate change on the Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory is not yet clear. The region has suffered five years of drought and some forecasters estimate that temperatures will rise and rainfall will decrease. It will become much harder to make the desert bloom in such conditions. Environmental issues affect everyone, yet here they are an unnecessary hostage of the conflict. It would take a small mental shift to remove environmental issues from the "pending peace process" tray and upgrade them to urgent. These problems will not go away or wait until the resumption of serious peace talks. The World Bank states that Palestinians use one sixth the amount of water that Israelis use per capita. Scarcity forces some Palestinians to monopolise the small amounts available and others to drill unlicensed wells, putting further pressure on the aquifer. The blockade on Gaza is also taking its environmental toll on Gaza and southern Israel. Co-ordinated action is possible. Israel has worked efficiently with the international community and the Palestinian Authority to treat avian flu, fearing that an epidemic in Gaza could affect poultry farmers in Israel. The environment urgently needs the same affirmative foresight and vision. Anything less would be irresponsible. Further information on EMWIS website.

15- Official forecasts in Tunisia indicate a demand for drinking water in urban and rural areas of 600 million m3 per year by 2030. The calculations are based on an increase of 2.5% of the urban and 1.8% in rural areas, and also on improving the efficiency of distribution network should reach 90% in 2030, against 74% in 1996. In 2007, the demand for drinking water has reached 348 million m3. The volume of drinking water production had reached 453 million m3, including 18.2 million m3 from desalination. Further information on EMWIS website.

16- Egypt depends almost entirely on the Nile for its water supply. 85% of river water used for irrigation purposes. Like everywhere else in the world, water demand is steadily increasing in the country. For Egypt, the solution is to make better use of current flows of the Nile. To do this, the most viable solution is to make the irrigation system more efficient, while being responsive to the farmers needs. Previous projects had led in part to modernize the irrigation system of Egypt, but the costs were too high and the returns too low. A different approach was needed. In collaboration with the Egyptian Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation (MWRI), the World Bank, the German Development Bank (KfW) and the Government of the Netherlands have established a project management infrastructure of Irrigation (Irrigation Infrastructure Integrated Project Management or IIIMP). This project aims is to test and extend the technological innovations that reduce costs and meet the needs of farmers. Because many of these innovations had not been used in Egypt, it was feared that farmers are reluctant to accept the proposed changes because they reduce the conception norms of water supply in their farms. Further information on EMWIS website.

17- The Nile Basin Initiative, which purpose is to secure a sustainable and equitable way to manage the available water resources in the region, has signed a contract with the Danish Hydraulic Institute (DHI) for the development and deployment of the Nile Basin Decision Support System. This system will enable the Nile Basin Initiative member countries to monitor and manage water in a transparent and regionally accepted way. The decision support system is based on a computer model of the river system. Somewhat 6-7000 km of the Nile will be modelled. This water spine model will act as the backbone for the decision support system, which essentially is a water allocation and budget model. If water is withdrawn one place then the effect other places can be quantified, hence allowing, member countries to undertake comparative water use assessments and select preferred strategies for implementation. Further information on EMWIS website

18- The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Arab Network for Environment and Development (RAED) announced strategic partnership working to increase regional capacity and awareness in the Middle East and Northern African (MENA) region. USAID and RAED recognize the importance of positive change gained by exchange between civil society organizations, governments and the private sector. By connecting a regional network of 200 environmental and civil society organizations with a strategic partner network of experts - including water utilities, professional associations, donors and the private sector - the two groups can create sustainable solutions at the local, national and regional levels. This dialogue is particularly relevant in the Middle East and North Africa as this region already faces a water crisis that affects its people, the environment and economy. RAED and USAID officially launched their first jointly programmed national climate change workshop for the MENA region. This workshop, held in Rabat, Morocco from May 28-29, 2009, emphasized the mutual objectives of their overall partnership. Further information on EMWIS website

19- The European Commission's Communication ‘On the progress made under the Seventh European Framework Programme for Research,' highlighted the support given to sustainable development under the FP7 since it started in 2007. The EU has invested no less than €4.4 billion in sustainable development-related research over the first two years of the framework.  Overall, the programme will contribute €54 billion over the seven-year period between 2007 and 2013. Of the initial €10 billion invested to date, 44% has been allocated to sustainable development. In particular, these funds have aided projects that deal with the environment and climate change, energy, food and agriculture and biotechnology. Two particular tools under the FP7 are providing the necessary infrastructure to foster the sustainable-development related research. The Co-operation Specific Programme - the largest Specific Programme of the FP7 - and the Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS) enable the FP7 to promote forward-looking and integrated approaches to sustainability. Despite the efforts being made by FP7, experts still feel there is a pressing need to raise the profile of research into sustainable development. The Commission conference ‘Sustainable Development - A challenge for European research' from 26 to 28 May 2009 produced a dozen recommendations that call for a new approach to measuring the impact of research in the field of sustainability. Further information on EMWIS website

20- The final conference of the STRIVER project on Integrated Water Resource Management in Theory and Practice - How water conditions influence life, took place 28-29 May 2009 in Brussels. STRIVER "Strategy and methodology for improved IWRM" is an EC 6th FP programme running from 2006 to 2009. It is jointly coordinated by the Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA) and Bioforsk.  The main aim of the project has been to develop interdisciplinary methods to assess and implement IWRM in four selected twinned catchments covering six countries in Europe and Asia. Further information on EMWIS website

21- In SCENES project, the future state of Europe's fresh water resources in terms of both water quantity and water quality is further translated in impacts for society, economy, environment and ecology. An integrated analysis framework based on indicators has been set up and the core set of impact indicators is under development, but the first results are available. Further information on EMWIS website

22- With all the power of 21st century collaboration technology, nothing to date has tamed the massive amounts of disparate water information locked away in diverse database systems. But that may have changed last week when Google Labs launched Fusion Tables, a powerful new online research and data organizing tool that makes it much easier to share and navigate the world's digital science and technical archives. Fusion Tables, which was developed by Google engineers using sample research data about the global fresh water crisis provided by the Pacific Institute and Circle of Blue, is specifically designed to unlock a treasure trove of facts, trends, and scientific findings that until now have been sequestered in databases and spreadsheets not easily shared. Further information on EMWIS website


23- Algeria: Abdelmalek SELLAL was kept at the head of the Ministry of Water Resources in the new government appointed by the Algerian President: Abdelaziz Bouteflika. Further information on EMWIS website

24- The European Commission has appointed Mr João Vale de Almeida as Director-General of the Directorate-General for External Relations (DG RELEX). Mr. Vale de Almeida would be responsible for overall management of the External Relations DG. He will lead the DG in its work of formulating an effective external relations policy for the European Union, maintaining relations with international organisations, and managing the European Neighbourhood Policy. He is also President Barroso's permanent personal representative to the G8 and to the G20. On the other hand, the European Commission has appointed Stefano Sannino as Deputy Director General of the Directorate-General for External Relations (DG RELEX). Further information on EMWIS website

25- Mr. Morgan Mozas replaced Zoe Luzon in its functions within the "the Institute of Economic Forecasting for the Greater Mediterranean: IPEmed" for the follow-up of water, energy and sustainable development issues. Further information on EMWIS website.

26- The Stockholm International Water Institute announced that Trojan Technologies, a Canadian developer and proponent of large-scale ultraviolet (UV) water disinfection systems used worldwide, has been named the winner of the 2009 Stockholm Industry Water Award. Executives from Trojan Technologies will formally receive the Stockholm Industry Water Award at a ceremony during World Water Week in Stockholm August 16-22. Further information on EMWIS website

27- Vacancy - Regional Knowledge and Networking Officer (RKNO): The IUCN Regional Office for West Asia (ROWA) in Amman, Jordan, is seeking a new staff member with immediate effect to be responsible for the further establishment, management and facilitation of the Regional Water Knowledge Network (RWKN) that will form the central part of the Regional WESCANA Water Project. The WESCANA project is funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (DGCS/Italy). Deadline for submissions is Tuesday July 9, 2009. Further information on EMWIS website

28- MED Programme Seeking Two Project Evaluation and Monitoring Officers - The French region Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur is looking to recruit two Project Evaluation and Monitoring Officers in the framework of the implementation of the "MED" transnational cooperation programme 2007-2013. The Project Evaluation and Monitoring Officers will provide assistance to operators in the development of project proposals, guarantee an efficient evaluation process and monitor project operators in the management of approved projects.  The deadline for applications is 30 June 2009. Further information on EMWIS website

29- The MEDSTAT II programme has published a Pilot Study "Water and Tourism". It explores the issue of water use by tourism activities and assesses the availability of statistical information in four countries: Israel, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia. The tourism sector's water consumption being poorly known, the Pilot study "Water and tourism" makes recommendations to improve the production, collection, dissemination and use of statistics on water and tourism. The Pilot Study "Water and Tourism" is available in the Eurostat collection Methodologies and working papers in English and French. Further information on EMWIS website.


30- New MENA/Arab Water Book: "Water in the Arab World: Management Perspectives and Innovations": This 500-page 27-chapter book consolidates 6-years long of the World Bank's experience in MENA, from the projects and studies carried out in the Arab countries. The book is very multi-thematic, covering all aspects of water management.  The book will also be one of the text-book materials for the "Arab Water Academy", which has recently been established in Abu Dhabi. Further information on EMWIS website.


31- Research and Markets has announced the addition of the "World Water Meter Report, Database & Directory Ed 7 - 2009" report to their offering. Four new countries not previously covered are now covered in this new edition. The report now contains reviews of the water meter markets in 19 countries.  In the Middle East, Spain, the southern states of America water scarcity is a recurrent problem. Smart water meters are being deployed to manage the resource and this is a growth area. Irrigation meters are also increasingly prominent. Further information on EMWIS website.


32- Review and Inspection copies available for New Earthscan Water Books: The United Nations World Water Development Report 3; Integrated Water Resources Management in Practice; Contested Waterscapes in the Mekong Region. Further information on EMWIS website.


33- Upcoming Book on Water System Science & Policy interface: This book examines the issue of integrating science into policy, with an emphasis on water system knowledge and related policies. This publication is timely in that the science-policy interfacing is now identified as a key challenge worldwide with regard to integrated water resource management, and therefore the book will be of great interest to scientists, water managers and stakeholders.  Further information on EMWIS website.


34- The May 2009 newsletter under the United Nations Freshwater Agreements Initiative is now available online. Two major highlights: Tunisia's recent ratification of the UN Watercourses Convention: In April 2009, Tunisia became the 17th contracting state to the UN Watercourses Convention, bringing down to 18 the number of additional ratifications needed for entry into force; and The outcomes from discussions and events around the convention during the 5th World Water Forum. Further information on EMWIS website.


35- New EC Publication on Sector Governance: Building on existing sector experience, this document seeks to offer guidance to EC sector specialists on how to address governance in sector operations in a more systematic and comprehensive way. Its objectives are twofold: (i) to strengthen the understanding of governance issues at sector level; and (ii) to increase the capacity of EC staff at Headquarters and in Delegations to analyze and address governance in EC support to various sectors. Further information on EMWIS website.


36- The April-May 2009 issue of Dams, Rivers & People [DRP] is available online. Further information on EMWIS website.


37- Legal view on the dual nature of water, by Marie-Agnès Bordonneau: This book of over 900 pages, stands that each water professionals must possess, shows that only a global vision, a vision that integrates the dual nature of water, aligning its economics with its common heritage and natural resource, can inspire a sustainable water policy that preserves both the resource and meets the basic needs of all. Further information on EMWIS website. (Only in French)


38- The letter "" (in French) is a service of the International Office for Water (OIEAU) to assist communities. It is intended for mayors, local elected officials and their services and business delegates. It provides practical answers, technical, legal and economic issues related to drinking water, and sanitation. Further information on EMWIS website.


39- How to save the planet? a special broadcast on France 2 (French TV): Following the film Home of Yann Arthus-Bertrand, Yves Calvi prolonged reflection in the company of experts and witnesses. Among the guests: Jean-François Donzier, Director of the International Office for Water (OIEAU). Further information on EMWIS website.


40- The Booklet: "Ensure sanitation for all, experiences of cooperation to share, and initiatives to develop" is the result of fruitful collaboration between Arene Ile-de-France, the Solidarity-water and SIAAP. Further information on EMWIS website.


41- "Water management: a new tool for everything": This book, stands that each water manager must possess, sweeping all topics necessary for an understanding and a practical water management and sanitation. Further information on EMWIS website.


42- New forums have been created at EMWIS website, offering a space for interfacing and exchanging between organisations and people interested in finding partners or building consortiums to apply to the current calls for proposals (announced below & others). Feel free to participate in. Further information on EMWIS website.

43- MED-EUWI Call for tender (EuropeAid/128393/C/SER/Multi): The Mediterranean component of the EU Water Initiative (MED-EUWI) has launched a call for tenders, that aims to promote the adoption of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) governance principles through their use for the definition and implementation of water management policies and measures, at both national and regional levels, including the support to measures enabling the success of these processes; with a maximum budget of 1.025.000 EUR.

Deadline for receipt of applications: 13/07/2009, 16:00 Central European Time. Further information on EMWIS website.


44- "ENPI CBC-MED: First call for proposals for Standard Projects": The "ENPI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme 2007/2013" is a multilateral cross-border cooperation programme co-financed by the European Union under the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI). The Programme provides the framework for the implementation of cross-border and cooperation activities in the context of the European Neighbourhood Policy, complementing efforts exerted within the framework of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, with the final aim of developing an area of peace, stability, prosperity and good neighbourliness involving EU Mediterranean Countries (EUMC) and Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPC). The general objective of the Programme is to contribute to promoting the sustainable and harmonious cooperation process at the Mediterranean Basin level by dealing with the common challenges and enhancing its endogenous potential. Priority: 1. Promotion of socio-economic development and enhancement of territories; 2. Promotion of environmental sustainability at the basin level; 3. Promotion of better conditions and modalities for ensuring the mobility of persons, goods and capitals; 4. Promotion of cultural dialogue and local governance. The present call for proposals is open to all the 4 Programme Priorities and to the 10 related Measures. The allocated budget for this first call for proposals is 32.811.784 EUR. Deadline for submission of project proposals: September, 16th 2009. Further information on EMWIS website

45- LIFE+ Call for Proposals and Workshops: For this third LIFE+ call for proposals, the deadline for the submission of proposals to the Member States is 15 September 2009. Up to 250 million EUR is available for this call. Project proposals should be sent to the relevant national authority no later than 15 September 2009. Thereafter, national authorities will send project proposals on to the European Commission by 22 October 2009, and the Commission will check the outline projects against the LIFE+ eligibility criteria and will assess proposals on the basis of the LIFE+ selection and award criteria. Final announcement of the projects chosen for funding is expected in July/August 2010, with projects starting work at the beginning of 2011. Project promoters are encouraged to make best use of the time available up to the deadline for submission of proposals to national authorities (15 September). Project proposals should be carefully checked to ensure that they are in line with all the criteria set out in the call documents. To coincide with this call, the European Commission is organising LIFE+ Information Workshops in each Member State. The aim of the workshops is to inform potential applicants about the LIFE+ Programme and the requirements for submitting a proposal. For more information on the workshops, click here. Further information on EMWIS website

46- Call for Tender for the Development of Technical Guidance for the INSPIRE Transformation Service: Whilst the Implementing Rule for the transformation service identifies the types of transformation required to enable spatial data sets to be transformed, there is currently no guidance for data model transformation enabling the conversion of spatial data from one data model to another. The main objective of this procurement is the provision of technical guidance for the implementation of the INSPIRE transformation network service. The deadline for submitting an offer is 19 August 2009. Further information on EMWIS website

47- Decision on third call for INTERREG IVC: Call for Capitalisation projects to launch end 2009, Regional Initiative projects after second call analysis: The INTERREG IVC Monitoring Committee has decided on the perspective for a third call for projects, at the fourth programme Monitoring Committee meeting in Prague, 14-15 May. A two-step package has been agreed upon, with differing dates for Capitalisation projects and Regional Initiative projects (RIP). A call for Capitalisation projects only will be opened at the end of 2009 while a call for Regional Initiative projects will be launched following an analysis at programme level of the approved projects from the first and second calls. A series of seminars and information events will be organised by the Joint Technical Secretariat, and the Information Points, in 2009-2010 to prepare applicants in understanding the characteristics of the call, once decided by the Monitoring Committee. A dedicated Capitalisation event will be organised under the chairmanship of the Swedish presidency of the EU in December 2009. Further information on EMWIS website

48- "Call for project proposals : Climate change": The global internet forum On the Frontlines of Climate Change was launched in June 2008 by UNESCO, in partnership with the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Secretariat of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues and the Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights. Projects could explore any topic relating to climate change and local communities. For example: a) Local observations and understandings of climate change impacts (negative or positive) on communities, livelihoods or local environments; b) Ways that your community is adapting to or dealing with climate change; etc. Proposals should reach UNESCO on or before 15 July 2009. Further information on EMWIS website

49- 2009 best practices for spatial data infrastructures: The objective of the eSDI-NET+ project is to establish a network for communication and knowledge exchange of best practices on European Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI), which will enhance the use of geographic information provided by the GMES. Recently, a call for submission of best practices on SDI's has been launched, focusing on sub national level, for the purpose of a board assessment campaign. After all the applicants have been evaluated through interviews and local workshops, successful ones will be awarded during an international conference planned for the end of 2009. Further information on EMWIS website

50- Mediterranean projects for scientific cooperation between universities (MERS) Call for tender 2009: "L'Agence universitaire de la Francophonie" will co-finance 10 projects to enhance the cooperation and take advantage of scientific and academic skills that make up the Mediterranean basin.  Deadline: 31 August 2009. Further information on EMWIS website

51- Service contract forecast for MEDSTAT III (EuropeAid/128533/C/SER/Multi): A restricted individual service contract forecast for the third phase of the MEDSTAT project has been announced by EuropeAid, under the publication reference EuropeAid/128533/C/SER/Multi. The purposes of the project are to provide users with more and better statistical data in priority thematic sectors and an increased use of these data. Expected results of the project include improved capacities of National Statistical Institutes, further harmonisation of statistical data in line with European and international standards, consolidation of the data exchange process with DG Eurostat, and promotion of regional exchanges. The indicative maximum budget, funded under the ENPI South programme, is 4 million EUR. The intended timing of publication of the procurement notice is June 2009. Further information on EMWIS website

52- A tender has been issued for water treatment and desalination systems for Egypt's Ain Sokha Power Project with a deadline of 17 August 2009. The joint clients are Egyptian Electricity Holding Company and East Delta Electricity Production Company, and the consultant is Engineering Consultants Group of Cairo. The project will be financed by the World Bank. Further information on EMWIS website


53- Survey on transboundary water experts & institutions: The PCCP (from Potential Conflict to Cooperation Potential:, UNESCO's programme on water conflicts and cooperation, is creating a database of experts and institutions involved in transboundary water issues.  The deadline to send the form is 30 June. Further information on EMWIS website.

54- The Arabic version of the Indicators e-learning course from SMAP III TA is now available on the SMAP e-learning site and the “take-away” Indicators course (pdf format) has also been uploaded to the SMAP Learning Centre in the section “SD & Policy Resources”. The course is designed for anyone interested in discovering what indicators are and how to use them, and as a refresher for those with some experience with indicators but who may be experiencing difficulties. The English version was released earlier this month and is attracting many new “students”.  Further information on EMWIS website

55- Call for Papers for the International Conference "Water, Waste and Environment - Union for the Mediterranean". This international conference will be held on 26-27 November 2009 in El Jadida (Morocco). Deadline for submission of abstracts: 31 July 2009. Further information on EMWIS website.

56- Call for papers for the 3rd International Symposium of the history of wetlands: Wetlands and cities yesterday and today, that will be held on 25, 26, 27 March 2010 at the University of Valenciennes - Faculté des Lettres, Langues, Arts et Sciences Humaines (France). Deadline for proposals submission: 15 October 2009. Further information on EMWIS website

57- The forthcoming 3rd International Symposium on 'Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing', will be held in Valencia (Spain), from 27 September to 1 October 2010. A call for papers is launched till the 15th February 2010. Further information on EMWIS website


58- Register now for the IRC course on Strengthening Transparancy, Integrity and Accountability: Preventing Corruption in Water, 21 - 23 September 2009 in The Hague, more information is available on the website at

59- The Arab Water Academy is launching a first series of programs, one of them focusing on water governance. This water governance program will involve three one-week modules that will take place in Abu Dhabi, UAE (27th June - 2nd July 2009, November 2009, February 2010). Mid-level professionals involved in water governance issues with the government, a university, the private sector, or an NGO in the Middle East North Africa region are invited to apply. Applicants must be nominated by a host organization from Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Oman and the United Arab Emirates. This programme is organised in collaboration with the USAID. Further information on EMWIS website

60- WATENV is a research oriented international Master of Science Programme hosted at Leibniz University of Hanover, Germany. Students obtain interdisciplinary knowledge and key qualifications in the field of sustainable water resources management. There is a growing demand for experts in water related subjects, which offers great job opportunities in the developing countries above all. Duration: 2 years (1.5 years in-class, 0.5 years Master thesis). Final Degree: Master of Science (MSc). Further information on EMWIS website

61- [2009/06/28 - 2009/07/03] Advanced Training Course on Land Remote Sensing,  Prague, Czech Republic

Further information on EMWIS website


62- [2009/06/27 - 2009/07/02] Water Governance for Future Leaders: Inaugural course of the Arab Water Academy, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE). Further information on EMWIS website.


63- [2009/09/13 - 2009/09/16] A 4-day intensive course on Integrated Water Resources Management in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions, Genoa Pegli, Italy.

Further information on EMWIS website.


64- [2009/09/29 - 2009/09/29] IOEau Days "Impact of the new requirements on water service cost & price", Paris, France.

Further information on EMWIS website.


65- [2009/10/15 - 2009/10/15] IOEau Days "Responsibilities of water & sanitation services", Limoges, France.
Further information on EMWIS website.

EVENTS (Full Agenda)

[2009/08/31 - 2009/09/04] 3rd World Climate Conference, Geneva, Switzerland.

Further information on EMWIS website.


[2009/08/26 - 2009/08/28] 1st IEEE GRSS Workshop on Hyperspectral Image & Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing (WHISPERS'09), Grenoble, France.

Further information on EMWIS website.


[2009/08/19 - 2009/08/21] « EURO-INBO 2009 » : Conference of the European River Basin District Authorities, Stockholm, Sweden.

Further information on EMWIS website.


[2009/08/16 - 2009/08/22] 2009 World Water Week: "Responding to Global Changes: Accessing Water for the Common Good; with Special Focus on Transboundary Waters", Stockholm, Sweden.

Further information on EMWIS website.


[2009/07/13 - 2009/07/14] ENPI Programme launch conference, Cagliari, Italy.

Further information on EMWIS website.


[2009/07/08 - 2009/07/09] The 4th meeting -Working Group on Integrated Water Resources Management, Geneva, Switzerland.

Further information on EMWIS website.


[2009/07/07 - 2009/07/10] GI_Forum Salzburg 2009, Salzburg, Austria.

Further information on EMWIS website.


[2009/07/08 - 2009/07/08] Water and Planning – Planning Guidance for Water Issues, London, UK. 

Further information on EMWIS website.


[2009/07/07 - 2009/07/08] Turkish French bilateral cooperation for environment: Water Governance Workshop - Situations in France and Turkey, Ankara, Turkey.

Further information on EMWIS website.

[2009/07/05 - 2009/07/08] The 15th annual conference of the International Sustainable Development Research Society,  Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Further information on EMWIS website

[2009/07/03 - 2009/07/05] 2nd International Conference on Water Economics, Statistics, and Finance and Asset Management of Medium and Small Wastewater Utilities, Alexandroupolis, Thrace - Greece.

Further information on EMWIS website

[2009/07/02 - 2009/07/03] Second meeting of the Working Group on Water and Health, Geneva, Switzerland.

Further information on EMWIS website


[2009/07/01 - 2009/07/02] International Seminar: "The water in the Arab world: Global perspectives & local realities", Madrid , Spain

Further information on EMWIS website

[2009/06/30 - 2009/07/03] The 11th Cannes Water Symposium, Cannes, France.

Further information on EMWIS website

[2009/06/30 - 2009/07/02] 6th Research and Development Conference of Central and Eastern European Institutes of Agricultural Engineering, Raundonvaris, Lithuania.

Further information on EMWIS website

[2009/06/28 - 2009/06/30] Fifth Urban Research Symposium: "Cities and Climate Change: Responding to an Urgent Agenda", Marseille, France.

Further information on EMWIS website.

ABOUT EMWIS (Priorities, Activities, Objectives, Structure, Funding, Team)
WATER in the EURO-MED PARTNERSHIP (MEDA programme, Key dates, European Neighbourhood Policy)
EMWIS NATIONAL WEBSITES: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, Cyprus, Malta, Spain, France, Italy, Portugal, Austria, Greece, Belgium, Luxembourg
EMWIS WATER MULTILINGUAL THESAURUS (Available in English, French, Arabic, Spanish & Italian)- Water glossaries
DOCUMENTATION (EMWIS meetings, Documentary database, Funding for water, Key documents, Water Legislation)
WHO DOES WHAT IN THE WATER SECTOR (By contacts, organisations & information sources)
WATER INITIATIVES (MED-EUWI, WFD, INCO-MED, LIFE, MEDSTAT, SMAP, EXACT, UNEP-MAP, MSSD, HORIZON 2020, Union for the Mediterranean& Mediterranean Water Information Mechanism
FORUM ; FAQ ; TOPICS (MedWIP, Water scarcity, groundwater, wastewater reuse, desalination, satellite data, etc)

- This is a monthly Flash provided by the EMWIS Technical Unit (sent to: 17157 subscribers), to which you can get a free subscription, click here for an open subscription.
- The EMWIS Flash gives you regular and quality information on the water sector in the Euro-Mediterranean area. The main headlines are: Institutions, Documentation, Training, Research and Development, Data Administration. You will also find updates on: international events, relevant web sites, the Euro-Med Water programme of the European Commission, and much more ...
- This Flash exists also in French and Arabic, you can view it and also the previous issues in our website.
- This Flash is also yours, please give us your comments and information to improve it Contact the EMWIS Technical Unit.