Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know-how in the Water sector
International portal

Folder Events for 2013/03

Event forum-doctorants-docteurs-vecteurs-de-developpement-de-l-entreprise-de-l-eau-et Item only translated in French
Event matinee-technique-eco-innovation-dechets-eco-innovation-dechets-projets-et Item only translated in French
Event ipemed-petit-dejeuner-de-la-mediterranee-la-cooperation-decentralisee-en Item only translated in French
Event matinee-technique-eco-innovation-dechets-en-partenariat-avec-la-dreal-paca Item only translated in French
Event brokerage-event-sur-les-technologies-innovantes-pour-la-gestion-de-l-eau-dans-l Item only translated in French
Event colloque-et-formation-sur-l-eau-et-l-energie Item only translated in French
Event le-droit-l-eau-quelle-mise-en-oeuvre-effective-apres-sa-reconnaissance Item only translated in French
Event la-prochaine-journee-de-l-oieau-valorisation-des-biogaz-issus-du-traitement-des Item only translated in French
Event "Water & Regional Policy, Research and Innovation in the Context of Smart Specialisation"
Event 11th Dahlia Greidinger Memorial Symp. on "Advanced methods for investigating nutrient dynamics in soils and ecosystems"
Event 11th Dahlia Greidinger Memorial Symposium on "Advanced methods for investigating nutrient dynamics in soils and ecosystems"
Event 8th Biennial Rosenberg International Forum on Water Policy: "Managing Water in the 21st Century: Challenges & Opportunities "
Event Benchmark meeting on groundwater governance marks road to World Water Day and UN International Year of Water Cooperation
Event EU Science: Global Challenges, Global Collaboration (ES:GC2)
Event European Climate Change Adaptation Conference 2013
Event European Water Movement activities at WSF Tunis
Event First Meeting of the OECD Water Governance Initiative
Event Gender, Climate Change and Food Security
Event High-Level Meeting on National Drought Policy: HMNDP 2013
Event Karianet learning route on sustainable water management in Egypt
Event Membrane Technology, Process and System Design
Event Promoting European Leadership in Waste and Recycling- Waste oil regeneration case study
Event SWUP-MED Project Final Conference: "Sustainable water use for securing food production in the Mediterranean region under changing climate"
Event Tunisia: National Seminar on National Water Information System (SINEAU)
Event Upgrading Jordan's Water Sector: Future Potential of Public-Private Partnerships
5th Mediterranean Water Forum