Portuguese campaign against water privatization challenges politicians
The Steering group of the ‘Água é de todos’ campaign, that support the Water is a Human Right ECI, has demanded an audience with all the political groups of the Portuguese parliament (PSD, PS, CDS-PP, PCP, Bloco de Esquerda[left block] and “Os Verdes” [Greens]) to question them about the proposed privatization of water services in Portugal.
The campaign has collected more than 10000 signatures to oppose such privatization and defending water services and an essential human right. They claim that such proposals should be properly discussed in society and not be imposed by stealth.
The water as a Human Right campaing and the European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU) welcomes the questioning of the elected representatives.
Contact information | n/a |
News type | Inbrief |
File link |
http://www.aguadetodos.com/ |
Source of information | EPSU |
Keyword(s) | water privatization |
Relation | http://www.semide.org/topics/waterpricing |
Geographical coverage | Portugal, |
News date | 23/04/2012 |
Working language(s) | ENGLISH |
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Portugal: European support for Portuguese battle against privatisation of water
Posted by jauad at 23 Apr 2012 14:19:24
Posted by jauad at 23 Apr 2012 14:19:24