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News Regional course: "Capacity development for a better integration of water demand management in responding to water scarcity in the MENA region"

The International Development Research Center-Canada (IDRC), through a scoping survey across the MENA region carried out by the WaDImena project, dentified the need for human and institutional capacity building to successfully implement more balanced water policies that incorporate both supply and demand management approaches. The study highlighted the fact that managers and senior professionals in water organisations should be the main target of efforts aimed at strengthening capacities for incorporating WDM in national water

The Arab Water Academy (AWA), recently established as a regional centre of excellence for executive water education, is aiming through its capacity building programs to accelerate the shift from a focus on supply augmentation and direct service provision to one of integrated water management and service regulation.

The learning programs of AWA are designed to help upgrading the knowledge and skills of water professionals in the region in order to bring new perspectives on demand management, institutional reform, multi-sectoral planning, accountable decision-making, and adaptation to reduced water availability associated with
overexploitation or climate change.

Recognizing the need for a better understanding of the opportunities and constraints associated with the effective integration of Water Demand Management in responding to water scarcity in the MENA region, AWA and IDRCWaDImena are engaging in a joint initiative for individual and institutional capacity development. A learning program is designed through a series of events that start with a regional course to be delivered by the Arab Water Academy followed by national exchange platforms guided by local institutions that will target stakeholders participation and social learning.

The program will target managers and seniors professionals from ministries, government agencies, water utilities, private sector organizations, the academia and NGOs. Participants in the first regional training will be from: Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia and Yemen.

Water Demand Management (WDM) is an approach that aims at saving water through efficient use, allocative and conservative policies using economic, organizational, regulatory, educational and technological means. The regional course will address these different dimensions of water demand management in the context of the MENA region

• Analyze WDM benefits and trade-offs in the context of MENA region
• Enhance networking within and between countries and facilitate dialogue between different stakeholders involved in the political economy of water
• Evaluate the course material for further utilization and identify mechanisms for grounding the course in regional and national capacity building efforts to benefit both water and non-water sectors.

The first three learning events are scheduled as follows:

• 5-7 January 2010: Regional course, Arab Water Academy, UAE
• 3-5 February 2010: 1st national exchange platform, Morocco
• 1-3 March 2010: 2nd national exchange platform, Egypt

The capacity development program on water demand management will be further extended to other countries. 

Contact information Hammou Laamrani, PhD, WaDImena Project Coordinator, Regional Water Demand Initiative, International Development Research Centre (IDRC-Canada)/ Middle East/ North Africa Regional Office,8 Ahmed Nessim Street, P.O. Box 14 Orman, Giza, Cairo, Egypt --- Arab Water Academy: Director, Dr Asma El Kasmi (email: ;
Phone: +20 2 3336-7051 /2/3 (extension 120) ; Fax: +20 2 3336-7056
News type Nomination
File link n/a
Source of information WaDImena Project
Keyword(s) water scarcity, Capacity development, water demand management, water efficiency
Geographical coverage United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Morocco
News date 05/12/2009
Working language(s) ENGLISH