Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know-how in the Water sector
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News Medgreenhouses kick off Meeting 22 March in Larissa, Greece

Med greenhouses "Green Growth through the capitalization of innovative Greenhouses" is a new capitalization project co-founded under the intrerreg-MED program for a period of 18 months. The project will mainly capitalize results of LIFE+ "Adapt2change" project by promoting, disseminating & transferring innovative Greenhouses in the MED area, minimizing water & energy demand. The project will stimulate environmental awareness on issues related to energy & water efficiency & sustainable production, contributing to Green Growth & promoting sustainable development. The project has stared on February 2018. The kick-off meeting of Med greenhouses took place on March 22th 2018 in Larissa, Greece. During the meeting, partners presented the roadmap of the work packages and project activities throughout the duration of the project and visited the Prototype Geothermal Greenhouses that was developed in the framework of "Adapt2change".
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News type Inbrief
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Source of information SEMIDE
Geographical coverage Greece
News date 22/03/2018
Working language(s) ENGLISH