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Project Water use Efficiency in natural vegetation and agricultural areas by Remote sensing in the Mediterranean basin

Project number ICA3-CT-1999-00015
Geographical coverage Denmark, Egypt, Spain, France, Morocco
Budget (in €) 764800
Programme INCO MED (FP5)
Web site

- The general objective of the WATERMED project is to develop a comprehensive method for the study of the water use and the resistance to the drought of the natural and irrigated vegetation in the Mediterranean Basin, by means of a combined historical and current space-based remote sensing database, vegetation models and field measurements.

- The general concept is to integrate all available data of the studied environments.


1. Maps of critical parameters at regional and local scales, of:
               1.    land surface temperature, with an accuracy of about 1.3 K,
               2.    land surface emissivity, with an accuracy of about 1%,
               3.    evapotranspiration, with an accuracy of +/- 1 mm/day.
               4.    atmospheric total water vapour content, with an accuracy of about 0.6 g cm-2,
               5.    normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), and albedo.

2. A retrospective study of the Mediterranean Basin at the regional level, using NOAA data from 1981 to present combining data from the visible (VIS), near infrared (NIR) and thermal infrared (TIR).

3. Application of the resistance indexes, developed in semi-arid areas, to more degraded areas.

4. Evaluation of the vegetation resistance to the aridity and the severe drought periods (summer periods and the severe interannual periods) for mapping the grade of water use efficiency.

5. Evaluation of the vegetation resistance and water use efficiency in relation to the environmental factors and Land Use.

The results achieved in the WATERMED project are available from the following items:

Period [01/02/2000 - 31/01/2003]


  • University of Valencia (General studies)

    Departement of thermodynamics, Global Change Unit from the University of Valencia, Spain.

    The Global Change Unit (GCU) has its origin in Remote Sensing Unit at the University of Valencia (RSU), one of the pioneer groups in our country in using Satellite Remote Sensing. The first studies of the RSU were made in 1978 in the framework of the NASA's HCMM project. Since this moment, the RSU has been participating in numerous national and international projects supported by the EU (EFEDA, HAPEX-SAHEL, MEDALUS, RESEDA, RESMEDES, etc.), the CICyT and the ESA. It is managed by Dr. José A. Sobrino, member of the RSU for ten years. Our studies are aimed at analysing the Earth's environmental changes by using remote sensing techniques. The GCU has a wide experience in participating in investigation projects financed by the European Commission, the CICyT, the AECI (Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional), ESA (DAISEX'98 and 99, AATSR/ENVISAT). The Global Change Unit have proposed and co-ordinated one previous European Commission shared cost projects, in the framework of the specific research and technological development programme “Confirming the International Role of Community Research” WATERMED (WATer use Efficiency in natural vegetation and agricultural areas by Remote sensing in the MEDiterranean basin) project aimed to develop a comprehensive method for the study of the water use and the resistance to the drought of the natural and irrigated vegetation by means of a combined historical and current space-based remote sensing database, vegetation models and field measurements.  This project includes three European partners (Spain, France and Denmark) with two Northern African countries (Morocco and Egypt). The GCU is equipped with suitable instruments to carry out its tasks: image processing systems, and field thermal infrared radiometers. The research work accomplished may be summarised in 7 Doctoral Theses, 50 papers in international journals and 60 presentations in different scientific meeting. It is also necessary to highlight their educational activity, imparting courses in Remote Sensing. Besides, we have published one of the first book in Remote Sensing in Spanish in the year 2000, organised the first and the second International Symposium on Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing and edited the book “Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing”. The GCU maintain collaborations with the University of Maryland-Goddard Space Fligh Center (GSFC-NASA), The International Space University (ISU), the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL-NASA), The Instituto de Geofisica e Astronomia at the University of Sao Paulo (Brazil), the CRTS in Rabat (Morocco), the GRTR at Strasbourg (France), etc. It is equipped with suitable instruments to carry out its tasks: image processing systems, and field thermal infrared radiometers. The research work accomplished may be summarised in 7 Doctoral Theses, 40 papers in international journals and 60 presentations in different scientific meeting.

    Coordinator acts as project coordinator
    Country France, Denmark, Egypt, Morocco, Spain
    Web site
    Contact Prof. Dr. José Antonio Sobrino,
    Position: General coordinator of the project, Professeur in the University of Valencia
    Phone/fax: + 34 96 354 31 15, + 34 96 354 31 15
  • National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences (NARSS) - Soils and Marine Division

    The NARSS has been involved in more than twenty national and international projects, STRING/93-94, EG-SOTER/95-98, SPIN-2/98, etc. The activity has been mainly focused to the study of water management, coastal changes, soil mapping and terrain resources information network generation, urban expansion monitoring, forest habitat assessment, assessment and evaluation of natural resources, etc. Therefore, the contribution of the Universitat de Valencia in the project to be submitted to the INCO-MED Programme will be focused on tools and methods for decision-making and water management in coastal area from remote sensing data and field measurements. The experience of Egypt, as a developing country in the utilisation of earth observation satellites and other aircraft remote sensing techniques in some applications for natural resources assessment and evaluation can be represented in its National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences (NARSS), formally known as the Remote Sensing Center (RSC), which was established in early 1970s, may be considered as the most advanced technology in this part of the world. The NARSS has accumulated a large inventory of Satellites Computer Compatible Tapes (CCTs) from Landsat 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. In addition to Multispectral Scanners and recent Thematic Mapper Imageries covering all of Egypt and some surrounding countries in the Middle East and Africa. Moreover, SPOT, Radarsat, Russian SPIN-2 data of some regions of Egypt are also available. Among the major facilities and equipment available now in NARSS are: an aircraft data acquisition equipment including: Beech-craft (Super King Air 200) twin engine pressurised and especially modified aircraft; Two RC-8 (Wild) aerial camera; One four lens Multispectral aerial camera; Thermal IR scanner with interchangeable scanner with HDDT output; Digital data processing laboratory for processing; A computer laboratory. Nevertheless, NARSS operates its own photographic development and production laboratory, which is well equipped with automatic processor developers, enlargers and various photographic quality control measurement equipment. Other laboratory and field equipment, includes Portable IR Thermo vision Cameras (AGA0 with black and white and color monitors), additive color viewers, automatic reflectance spectrophotometers, field radiometer, GPSs, etc.

    Country Egypt
    Web site
    Contact Dr. Sami Abdel Rahman,
    Phone/fax: +202 296 4387 , +202 2964385
  • Cadi Ayyad University

    Cadi Ayyad University (Marrakech, Morocco) represented by Dr. Noura Guemmouria. Her team joined WATERMED project after the substitution of the CRTS (Centre Royal de Télédétection Spatiale) team. They've been working on evapotranspiration estimation in situ and by means of satellite data, her team is formed by many ph-d students who work on different subjects related, and they are collaborating closely with researchers from the IRD (France) and into another European project SUD-MED coordinated by Dr. Ghani Chehbouni.

    Ghani Chehbouni & Noura Guemmouria.

    Country Morocco
    Web site
    Contact Dr. Noura Guemmouria,
    Position: Researcher and Professor in Cadi Ayyad University, Faculty of Semlalia
    Phone/fax: ,
  • INRA
    The Bioclimatologie laboratory in Avignon is working in three main areas: remote sensing, agrometeorology and management of greenhouses. The agrometeorology group within the Bioclimatologie unit started its activity in 1976. It now comprises 10 permanent members (6 scientists, 4 engineers and technicians) and an average of 1 PhD students, 3 master students and 1 visiting scientist. The activity is mainly devoted to the development of crop and soil-vegetation-atmosphere transfer (SVAT) models and their combination with remote sensing and meteorological data for agricultural and environmental studies. The group participates to other EC programs (ReSeDA, CIS1 and CIS2 Romania, CLAIRE CLIVARA). The contribution of the agrometeorology group in this project submitted to INCO-MED will be focused on the estimation of evapotranspiration at different scale from remote sensing data. The agrometeorology group, together with the remote sensing group, has a large experience in evapotranspiration modelling (SVAT models) and estimation from remote sensing (RS) data. It participates to the EC project ReSeDA (Environment and Climate) in which A.Olioso is co-ordinating the 'Assimilation of RS data in SVAT models' activity. It participated to many other projects aiming at estimating evapotranspiration or energy fluxes, either from AVHRR data, or from new and future sensors (e.g. from ESA mission ENVISAT, ASTER and MODIS on NASA-EOS platform). Other studies on SVAT modelling were performed in the frame of the French National Programs of Remote Sensing or of Hydrology. Upscalling evapotranspiration from the agricultural field level to the regional level is also under study, including the analysis of the signification of mixed pixel.
    Country France
    Web site
    Contact Dr. Albert Olioso,
    Position: Researcher
    Phone/fax: + 33 4 32 72 24 06,
    The Risoe is a governmental research laboratory with 1200 employees. The Department of Wind Energy and Atmospheric Physics works with boundary-layer meteorology and wind-energy technology, employing 95 staff members, 60 being scientists. Roughly 60% of the department staff work with research and development of wind energy and wind turbines. The remaining 40% of the staff are involved in boundary-layer meteorology research and derived applied fields such as wind-energy resources, wind loads, air pollution dispersion and fluxes between the atmosphere and water/land ecosystems. The theoretical and experimental work on boundary-layer meteorology work started in the early sixties and has continued and gradually expanded since. To a large extent the work is externally funded from many sources. The department holds research contracts with EC, within the following programmes: JOULE, Radiation Protection, Environment and Climate (EV5V-CT93-0276 TRACT, ENV4-CT97-0573 SFINCS), MAST. Risoe was co-ordinator of the Human Capital and Mobility Network: wind modelling and climatology studies above inhomogeneous terrain with regard to wind energy and air pollution with emphasis on the coastal Mediterranean area. Currently we participate in IRESMED PROJECT (Contract no JOR3-CT98-0209) (involving Egypt and Moroc among others for wind energy and solar energy).
    Country Denmark
    Web site
    Contact Dr. Charlotte Bay Hasager ,
    Position: Senior scientist
    Phone/fax: ,

Field sites


  • WATERMED Final Report
    As water consumption increases and water reserves fall dramatically, Mediterranean countries
    (European and non-European) have to re-evaluate their assets and future development in terms of
    their reserves. In this context the research on water use efficiency and water management focuses
    on water saving, particularly in agriculture recently becoming a European priority. The
    WATERMED project has this concern as the main objective; approaching the problem from a new
    point of view namely based on combined use of historical and current space-based remote sensing
    databases, vegetation models and field measurements.
    Publisher Dr. José Antonio Sobrino
    Type of document Report
    Rights Public
    File link ../PDF/WATERMED_FINAL_REPORT (copy)
    Source of information UCG, University of Valencia (Spain)
    Keyword(s) water use efficiency, remote sensing, evapotranspiration
    Subject(s) AGRICULTURE
    Geographical coverage Spain, France, Danemark, Morocco, Egypt
  • WATERMED Publications list


    1. C.B.Hasager, N.W.Nielsen, N.O.Jensen, E.Boegh, J.H.Christensen, E.Dellwik, and H.Soegaard, Effective roughness calculated from satellite-derived land cover maps and hedge-information used in a weather forecasting model., Boundary-Layer Meteorology 109:227 (2003).

    2. Chehbouni, A., D. C. Goodrich, M. S. Moran, C. J. Watts, Y. H. Kerr, G. Dedieu, W. G. Kepner, W. J. Shuttleworth and S. Sorooshian, 2000a, A preliminary synthesis of major scientific results during the SALSA program, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Volume 105, Issues 1-3, Pages 311-323.

    3. Chehbouni, A., Nouvellon, Y., Kerr, Y. H., Moran, M. S., Watts, C., Prévot, L., Goodrich, D. C., and Rambal, S., (2001a). Directional effect on radiative surface temperature measurements over a semi-arid grassland site. Remote Sensing of Environment, 76, 360-372.

    4. Chehbouni, A., Nouvellon, Y., Kerr, Y. H., Moran, M. S., Watts, C., Prevot, L., Goodrich, D. C., and Rambal, D. C., (2001b). Estimation of surface sensible heat flux using dual angle observations of radiative surface temperature. Agriculture and Forest Meteorology. 108, 55-68.

    5. Chehbouni, A., Watts, C., Rodríguez, J. C., Santiago, F., Garatuza, J., Shieldge, J. (2001c). Area-Average estimates of surface fluxes over a mosaic of agricultural fields. In Remote Sensing and Hydrology, IAHS Publications, no 267, pp. 220-222.

    6. Courault, D., Seguin, B., Olioso, A., 2004. Review about estimation of Evapotranspiration from remote sensing data: from empirical to numerical modeling approach. Irrigation and Drainage Systems, in press.

    7. El-Kharraz, J. and Sobrino, J.A. (2003). Operational algorithms to retrieve surface temperature and atmospheric water vapour content from MODIS data. Recent Res. Devel. Geophysics, 5:85-102.

    8. Hasager, C. B., and Jensen, N. O., (1998). Surface flux aggregation in heterogeneous terrain, Q. J. Royal Met. Soc. 125, 2075-2102.

    9. Hurtado, E and Sobrino, J. A., (2001). Daily net radiation estimated from air temperature and NOAA-AVHRR data : a case study of the Iberian Peninsula. International Journal of remote sensing, 22, no. 8, 1521-1533.

    10. Jacob, F. and  Olioso, A., (2002a). Derivation of diurnal courses of albedo and reflected solar radiation from PolDER data. Submitted.

    11. Jacob, F. and Olioso, A., 2004. Derivation of diurnal courses of albedo and reflected solar radiation from PolDER data. Submitted.

    12. Jacob, F., Olioso, A., Gu, X. F., Hanocq, J. F., Hautecoeur, O., Leroy, M. (2002c). Mapping surface fluxes using visible-near infrared and thermal infrared data with the SEBAL algorithm. Agronomie. Submitted.

    13. Jacob, F., Olioso, A., Gu, X. F., Su, Z., Seguin, B., (2002b). Mapping surface fluxes using airborne visible, near infrared, termal infrared remote sensing data and a spatialized surface energy balance model. Agronomie, 22, 669-680.

    14. Jacob, F., Olioso, A., Weiss, M., Baret, F., Hautecoeur, O., Hanocq, J-F., and Fraçois, C., (2002a). Mapping short-wave albedo of agricultural surfaces using airborne PolDER data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 80, 36-46.

    15. Jacob, F., Weiss, M., Olioso, A., French, A. (2002c). Assessing the narrowband to broadband conversion to estimate visible, near infrared and shortwave apparent albedo from airborne PolDER data. Agronomie, 22, 537-546.

    16. Jacob, F., Weiss, M., Olioso, A., Hautecoeur, O., Fraçois, C., Leroy, M., Ottlé, C. (2002b). Albedo estimation form PolDER data. Agronomie. Submitted.

    17. Jensen, N. O., Hasager, C. B., Hummelshoj, P., Pilegaard, K., and Barthelmie, R., (2000). Surface flux variability in relation to the mesoscale. In : Exchange and transport of air pollutions over complex terrain and the sea. Larsen, S. E. ; Fiedler, F. ; Borrel, P. (eds), (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2000) (Transport and chemical transformation of pollutants in the troposphere, v. 9) p. 322-328.

    18. Jiménez-Muñoz, J.C. and Sobrino, J.A. (2003). A generalized single channel method for retrieving land surface temperature from remote sensing data. Journal of Geophysical Research, vol.108, NO. D22, 4688.

    19. Jiménez-Muñoz, J. C. and Sobrino, J. A. Error Sources on the Land Surface Temperatura Retrieved from Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing Data. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (submitted).

    20. Jiménez-Muñoz, J. C., J. A. Sobrino, A. Gillespie and D. Sabol. Separación emisividad/temperatura a partir de datos DAIS y aplicación del contraste espectral para discriminar distintos tipos de vegetación. Revista de Teledeteccción, 19:51-58, 2003. 

    21. Lagouarde, J.-P., Jacob, F., Gu, X. F., Olioso, A., Bonnefond, J. M., Kerr, Y. H., McAneney, K. J., Irvine, M., (2002). Spatialisation of sensible heat flux over a heterogeneous landscape, Agronomie, 22, 627-633.

    22. Li Z.-L., R. Zhang, X. Sun, H. Su, X. Tang, Z. Zhu, J. A. Sobrino. Experimental system for the study of the directional thermal emission of natural surfaces. International Journal of Remote Sensing 25, nº1,195-204, 2004.

    23. Merlin O., A. Chehbouni, 2004. Different approaches in estimating heat flux using dual angle observations of radiative surface temperature. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 25, 275-289.

    24. Olioso, A., Braud, I., Chanzy, A., Demarty, J., Ducros, Y., Gaudu, J.C., Gonzalez-Sosa, E., Lewan, E., Marloie, O., Ottlé, C.,Prévot, L., Thony, J.L., Autret, H., Bethenod, O., Bonnefond, J. M., Bruguier, N., Buis, J. P., Calvet, J.C., Caselles, V., Chauki, H., Coll, C., François, C., Goujet, R., Jongschaap, R., Kerr, Y., King, C., Lagouarde, J. P., Laurent, J. P., Lecharpentier, P., McAneney, J., Moulin, S., Rubio, E., Weiss, M., Wigneron, J. P. (2002). “Monitoring energy and mass transfers during the Alpilles-ReSeDA experiment”, Agronomie, 22, 597-610.

    25. Olioso, A., Inoue, Y., Ortega-Farias, S., Demarty, J., Wigneron, J.-P.,Braud, I., Jacob, F., Lecharpentier, P., Ottlé, C., Calvet, J.-C., Brisson, N., 2004. Future directions for advanced evapotranspiration modeling: assimilation of remote sensing data into crop simulation models and SVAT models. Irrigation and Drainage Systems, in press.

    26. Olioso, A., Jacob, F. (2002). Estimation de l’évapotranspiration à partir de mesures de télédétection. La Houille Blanche, 1-2002, 62-67.

    27. Oudrari, H., Goward, S. N., Czajkowski, K. P., Sobrino, J. A., and Vermote, E. (2002). Land surface temperature estimation from AVHRR Thermal infrared measurements: An assessment for the AVHRR land Pathfinder II data set. Remote Sensing of Environment, 88, 114-128.

    28. Paolini, L., Sobrino, J. A., Jiménez-Muñoz, J. C., (2002). Detección de deslizamientos de ladera mediante imágenes Landsat TM : el impacto de estos disturbios sobre los bosques subtropicales del noroeste de Argentina. Reviata española de Teledetección. No. 18, p. 21-27.

    29. Rodriguez, J.-C., B. Duchemin, R. Hadria, C. Watts, J. Garatuza, A. Chehbouni, S. Khabba, G. Boulet, E. Palacios and A. Lahrouni. (in press). "Wheat yield estimation using remote sensing and the STICS model in the semiarid valley of Yaqui, Mexico." Agronomie.

    30. Sobrino, J. A., and Raissouni, N., (2000). Toward remote sensing methods for land cover dynamic monitoring. Application to Morocco, International Journal of Remote Sensing, vol. 21, 2, 353-366.

    31. Sobrino, J. A., Cuenca, J., El Kharraz, J., Gómez, M., Jiménez, J. C., Raissouni, N. and Sòria, G. (2002). Multi-Temporal Analysis Using NOAA-Pathfinder AVHRR Land Imagery for the Study of the Land Cover Dynamic in the Mediterranean Basin. Analysis of Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Images (Vol. 2), ISBN: 981-02-4955-1, pp. 395-402.

    32. Sobrino, J. A., El Kharraz J., Jimenez-Muñoz, J. C., Sòria, G., Gómez, M. and Romaguera, M. (2002) On the monitoring of land cover dynamic using NOAA pathfinder time series (1981-2001) over the mediterranean basin. Recent Research Development in Geophysics, 4:225-234.

    33. Sobrino, J. A., Jiménez-Muñoz, J. C. and Paolini L. (2004) Land surface Temperatura Retrieval from LANDSAT TM 5. Remote Sensing of Environment, in press.

    34. Sobrino, J. A., Jiménez-Muñoz, J. C., El Kharraz, J., Gómez, M., Romaguera, M. and Sòria, G. (2004). Single-channel and Two-channel methods for Land Surface Temperature Retrieval from DAIS data and its application to the Barrax site. International Journal of Remote Sensing, vol. 24, no. 24, p. 5161-5182.

    35. Sobrino, J. A., Jiménez-Muñoz, J. C., Labed-Nachbrand, J., and Nerry F. (2002). Surface emissivity retrieval from Digital Airborne Imaging Spectrometer data. Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 107, NO. D23, 4729.

    36. Sobrino, J. A., Jiménez-Muñoz, J. C., Raissouni, N., and Sòria, G., (2002). A simplified method for estimating the total water vapor content over sea surfaces using NOAA-AVHRR channels 4 and 5. IEEE. Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing , vol. 40, 2, 357-361.

    37. Sobrino, J. A., Li, Z-L, Sòria, G. And Jiménez-Muñoz, J. C., (2002). Land surface temperature and emissivity Retrieval from Remote Sensing Data. Recent Research Development in Geophysics, vol. 4, p. 21-44.

    38. Sobrino, J. A., Raissouni, N., and Li, Z-L., (2001). A comparative study of land surface emissivity retrieval from NOAA data, Remote Sensing of Environment, vol. 75, 2, 560-580.

    39. Sobrino, J. A., Raissouni, N., Jiménez-Muñoz, J. C., and Sòria, G. (2002). A Simplified Method for Estimating the Total Water Vapour Content Over Sea Surfaces Using NOAA-AVHRR Channels 4 and 5. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 40(2):357-361.

    40. Sobrino, J. A., Raissouni, N., Kerr, Y., Olioso, A., López-García, M. J., Belaid, A., El Kharraz, M. H., Cuenca, J., Dempere, L., (2000). Teledetección. Sobrino, J. A. (Ed), Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad de Valencia (ISBN 84-370-4220-8), Valencia (España).

    41. Sobrino J. A and Juan C. Jiménez-Muñoz. Estimación de la temperatura de la superficie terrestre mediante teledetección desde satélites. Revista Española de Física (in press).

    42. Sobrino, J.A., Gómez, M., Jiménez- Muñoz, J.C., Olioso, A., Chehbouni, G., 2004. A simple algorithm to estimate evapotranspiration from DAIS data: Application to the DAISEX campaigns. Submitted to Journal of Hydrology.

    43. Sobrino, J.A., Gómez, M., Olioso, A., 2004. Estimación de la evapotranspiración en las zonas experimentales de Barrax y Alpilles a partir de imágenes del sensor DAIS. Revista Española de Teledetección (in press)

    44. Sobrino. J.A. and El-Kharraz, J. (2003). Surface temperature and water vapour retrieval from MODIS data. International Journal of Remote Sensing. Vol. 24, NO 24, 5161-5182.

    45. Sobrino J. A., J. C. Jiménez-Muñoz, J. El Kharraz, M. Gómez, M. Romaguera, G. Soria.Single-Channel and two-channel methods for land surface temperature retrieval from DAIS data and its application to the Barrax site. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 25, nº1,215-230, 2004.

    46. Watts, C.J., A. Chehbouni, J. -C. Rodriguez, Y. H. Kerr, O. Hartogensis and H. A. R. de Bruin, 2000, Comparison of sensible heat flux estimates using AVHRR with scintillometer measurements over semi-arid grassland in northwest Mexico, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Volume 105, Issues 1-3, Pages 81-89.

    47. Williams, D.G.  W. Cable, K. Hultine, J.C.B. Hoedjes, E.A. Yepez, V. Simonneaux, S. Er-Raki, G. Boulet, H.A.R. de Bruin, A. Chehbouni, O.K. Hartogensis, and F. Timouk. Components of evapotranspiration in an olive orchard determined by eddy covariance, sap flow and stable isotope techniques. Agronomy and Forest Meteorology journal (submitted).

    48. Zhao, W. G., Olioso, A., Lagouarde, J. P., Bonnefond, J. M., Irvine, M., Kerr, Y., McAneney, J., Marloie, O., (2002). Estimation of aerodynamic parameters under non-neutral stability conditions from Alpilles measurement data. Agronomie, 22, 619-625.


    1. Abdel Rahman, S. I.; M.A.R. Abdel-Moati and Ahmed, M. H (2002) Integrated Coastal Zone Management for Al Arish- Rafah area, North Sinai,  Egypt., Valencia, 2002.  International workshop in modelling of water resources, ICARDA, Cairo, March,2002.

    2. Abdel Rahman, S.I., M.H. Ahmed and A. H. El Nahry.(2002). Mapping of Agriculture and natural vegetation along El-Zaranik – Rafah coastal zone of North Sinai. International workshop in modelling of water resources, ICARDA, Cairo, March,2002.

    3. Abdel Rahman, S.I., M.H. Ahmed, M.A.R. Abdel-Moati and H. Habib (2002). Assessment and Evaluation of water resources of Northeastern coastal zone of Sinai. International workshop in modelling of water resources, ICARDA, Cairo, March,2002.

    4. Abdel Rahman, S.I.,M.H. Ahmed and A. H. El Nahry.(2002). Water Use Efficiency for natural vegetation and cultivated lands in the South-eastern Mediterranean Basin using Satellite Data, International workshop in modelling of water resources, ICARDA, Cairo, March,2002.

    5. Abdel Rahman, S.I.; M.H. Ahmed; and Essa, M.M..(2001). Drought Monitoring in the South-eastern Mediterranean Basin using Satellite Data. IGARSS, IEEE (2001) Intern. Geosc. and Rem. Sens. Symp., Univ of New south Wales, Sydney, Australia 9-13 July, 2001

    6. Ahmed, M. H, M.A.R. Abdel-Moati and Abdel Rahman, S. I, (2001) Integrated Coastal Zone Management for Northeastern Sinai, Egypt. Med-coast conference, Tunisia, April 2001.

    7. Aït Belaïd, M., Smiej, M.F., Lemsanni, A. et El Yamine, N., 2000, Suivi de la désertification au Maroc à partir d’images AVHRR de NOAA. Actes des VIIIes Journées Scientifiques du Réseau de Télédétection, Lausanne, 22-29 Novembre.

    8. Austerlitz, Agnès, 2000. Analyse spatiale et statistique de l’occupation du sol et d’un indice de végétation à partir d’informations satellitales : le cas d’une zone agricole des Alpilles. Mémoire de maîtrise de Géographie Télédétection, Traitement d’images et SIG, Université de Provence, INRA Bioclimatologie F-84914 Avignon Cedex 9.

    9. Chehbouni , O. Merlin, Kerr Y. Boulet G." Contribution of thermal infrard data for heat flux estimates , IGARSS2002, Toronto, Canada, 2002.

    10. Chehbouni A., Watts C., Rodriguez J.C., Santiago F., J. Garatuza, J. Shieldge (2001c), Area-average estimates of surface fluxes over a mosaic of agricultural fields. In Remote Sensing and Hydrology, IAHS Publication, no 267, pp. 220-222.

    11. Coret L. and X. Briottet and Y.H. Kerr and A. Chehbouni, “Analysis of Angular Effect over Heterogeneous Surface in Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing : Models and Measurements”, 3rd International Workshop on Multiangular Measurements and Models, IWMMM-3, 10-12 June, Steamboat Springs, Colorado, 2002.

    12. Coret L. and X. Briottet and Y.H. Kerr and A. Chehbouni, “Directional Effect on Thermal Infrared Measurements over 2D over Heterogeneous Land Surface in Remote Sensing”, 2002 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium and 24th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, IGARSS02, 24-28 June, Toronto, Canada, 2002.

    13. Courault, D., Lacarrère, P., Jacob, F., Olioso, A., Clastre, P., Lecharpentier, P., Marloie, O., Prévot, L., 2002. Flux estimation with the MESONH model over the Alpilles. First International Symposium on Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing, 16-20 September 2002, Valencia, Spain. J.A. Sobrino (Ed.). Publicacions de la Universitat de València, España. pp. 397-402.

    14. Courault, D., Seguin, B., Olioso, A., 2003b. Historical review to estimate Evapotranspiration from remote sensing data: from the simplified relationship to the use of mesoscale atmospheric models. In International Workshop on Use of Remote Sensing of Crop Evapotranspiration for Large Regions, 17, September, 2003, Montpellier, France. CD-rom édité par l’ICID-CIID.

    15. Courault, D.; Lacarrère, P.; Olioso, A.; Clastre, P.; Weiss, M.; Jacob, F.; Lecharpentier, P.; Marloie, O.; Prévot, L., 2003a. Effect of various crops on the spatial variability of temperatures over the Alpilles-Reseda experiment site analyzed by the 3D atmospheric model MESONH. (EGS Nice 2003) Geophysical Research Abstract, 5, 14644.

    16. De Solan B. , A. Chaponnière, P. Maisongrande, B. Duchemin, L. Hanich and A. Chehbouni, Cartographie de l'enneigement par télédétection à partir d'images SPOT VEGETATION et Landsat TM : application à l'Atlas marocain Conferece IAHS Hydrology des zones Arides, Liban , Decembre 2002.

    17. Duchemin B., Hadria R., Rodriguez J-C, Lahrouni A., Khabba S., Boulet G., Mougenot B., Maisongrande P., and Watts C., 2003b. Spatialisation of a Crop Model using Phenology derived from Remote Sensing Data. 2003 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Toulouse (France), July 21-25, 2003, Published by IEEE, CD-rom paper I-A02-06.pdf, vol. IV, pages 2200 – 2202.

    18. Duchemin, B., F. Frappart, P. Maisongrande, B. Mougenot, G. Dedieu, R. Hadria, A. Lahrouni, S. Khabba (2003). Utilisation d'une série de données SPOT-HRV pour la paramétrisation du modèle STICS. Application à la spatialisation du bilan hydrique en condition semi-aride (Plaine du Tensift, Maroc). Réunion STICS, Arles, France, 23-24 janvier 2003.

    19. Duchemin, B., F. Frappart, P. Maisongrande, M. Magnac, B. Mougenot, A. Chehbouni, G. Dedieu, (2002). Water Budget with Phenology derived from Optical Satellite Data. 1st International Symposium of Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing, Valencia, Spain, 16-20 September 2002.

    20. Duchemin, B., Maisongrande, P., Frappart, F., Magnac, M., Chehbouni, G., Dedieu, G., Mougenot, B., 2002. Monitoring wheat crop evapotranspiration and irrigation in arid conditions using phenology derived from optical satellite data. First International Symposium on Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing, 16-20 September 2002, Valencia, Spain. J.A. Sobrino (Ed.). Publicacions de la Universitat de València, España. pp.177-183.

    21. Duchemin, B., R. Hadria, J-C. Rodriguez, A. Lahrouni, S. Khabba, G. Boulet, B. Mougenot, P.Maisongrande, C. Watts, (2003). Spatialisation of a Crop Model using Phenology derived from Remote Sensing Data. 23th International Geoscience And Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Toulouse, France, July 21-25, 2003.

    22. Duchemin, B., S. Er-Raki, P. Gentine, P. Maisongrande, L. Coret, G. Boulet, J-C. Rodriguez, V. Simonneaux, A. Chehbouni, G. Dedieu, N. Guemouria., 2003a. Estimating Cereal Evapotranspiration using a Simple Model driven by Satellite Data. 2003 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Toulouse (France), July 21-25, 2003, Published by IEEE, CD-rom paper I-A29-02.pdf, vol. IV, pages 2762 – 2764.

    23. El Kharraz, J. J. A. Sobrino, M. Gómez, J. C. Jimenez-Muñoz, G. Soria, Water vapour retrieval from MODIS data, First International Symposium on Recent Advances and Quantitative Remote Sensing, Recent Advances and quantitative Remote Sensing, Ed. J. A. Sobrino, Servei de Publicacions, Universitat de Valencia, pp.941-945. (ISBN: 84-370-5515-6), 16-20 September 2002, Torrent-Valencia, España, 2002.

    24. El-Kharraz J., J. A. Sobrino, J.C. Jiménez-Muñoz, G. Sòria, M. Gómez and M. Romaguera, and L.J. MoralesLand Surface Temperature and NDVI Time Series Derived from NOAA-Pathfinder Images and Reanalysis. 23th International Geoscience And Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Toulouse, France, July 21-25, 2003.

    25. El-Kharraz,J, J.A. Sobrino, J.L. Morales, J.C. Jiménez-Muñoz, G. Sòria, M. Gómez, M. Romaguera and J. Cuenca. Land cover dynamic analysis over the Mediterranean Basin by means of remotely sensed and climatic data. . SPIE’s 10th International Remote Sensing Symposium, Barcelona 8-12 September, 2003

    26. G. Sòria, J.A. Sobrino, J.C. Jiménez-Muñoz, J. El-Kharraz, M. Gómez, M. Romaguera and J. Cuenca. Characterization of thermal parameters in support of SIFLEX campaign. SPIE’s 10th International Remote Sensing Symposium, Barcelona 8-12 September, 2003.

    27. Gentine, P., A. Chehbouni, G. Boulet, B. Duchemin, F. Timouk, J. Ezzahar, 2003. Aggregation of land surface heat fluxes using stochastic state variables 23th International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Toulouse (France), July 21-25, 2003, Published by IEEE, CD-rom paper paper I-A20-01, vol. IV, pages 2608 – 2610.

    28. Gómez, M., Juan C. Jiménez-Muñoz and J. A. Sobrino. Aplication of the S-Sebi to estimate evapotraspiration in the DAISEX campaigns framework. III Asamblea Hispano-Portuguesa de Geodesia y Geofísica. UPV, Valencia, Spain. February 2002.

    29. Guillem Soria i Barres, Algoritmes d’estimació de la temperatura de la superficie terrestre a partir de dades ENVISAT-AATSR, MSS degree, University of Valencia, 2002.

    30. Hadria, R., Duchemin, B., Lahrouni, A., Khabba, S., Boulet, G., Chehbouni, A., Dedieu, G., Er-Raki, S., Ezzahar J., Lakhal, A. (2004). Calibration of the STICS crop model using remote sensing data to assess wheat evapotranspiration and water requirement in a semi-arid region (Marrakech, Morocco). EGU - 1st General Assembly - Nice, France, 25-30 abril 2004.

    31. Hadria, R., Duchemin, B., Lahrouni, A., Khabba, S., Chehbouni, G., Er-Raki, S., Ezzahar, J., Lakhal, A., Boulet, G., Escadafal, R. Dedieu G. (2004). Utilisation du modèle STICS pour l'estimation des besoins en eau d'une culture de blé dans la zone du Haouz de Marrakech. La modernisation de l'agriculture irriguée dans les pays du Maghreb.  19-21 Avril 2004. Rabat, Maroc.

    32. Hasager C.B. and N.O.Jensen, 1998, Surface flux aggregation in heterogeneous terrain, Q.J.Royal.Met. Soc. 125, 2075-2102

    33. Hasager, C.B., 2002 Microscale surface flux aggregation in heterogeneous terrain using remote sensing data. In: Proceedings. International workshop on landscape heterogeneity and aerodynamic roughness: Modelling and remote sensing perspectives, Antwerp (BE), 12 Oct 2001. Debie, H.; Ridder, K. De (eds.), TAP/R/05 (2002) p. 14-18

    34. Hasager, C.B., Jensen, N.O., Boegh, E., Soegaard, H., Schelde, K. & Thomsen, A. 2001. Scaling-up evapotranspiration from field to regional scale based on optical remtoe sensing scenes. In the Proceedings of Remote Sensing and Hydrology 2000, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, April 2000. IAHS Publ. No. 267, 292-295 Abstract available at

    35. Hasager, C.B., Jensen, N.O., Olioso, A., 2002b. Land cover, surface temperature and leaf area index maps from satellites used for the aggregation of momentum and temperature roughnesses. First International Symposium on Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing, 16-20 September 2002, Valencia, Spain. J.A. Sobrino (Ed.). Publicacions de la Universitat de València, España. pp. 466-473.

    36. Hasager, C.B., Nielsen, N.W., Soegaard, H., Boegh, E., Christensen, J.H., Jensen, N.O., Rasmussen, M.S., Astrup, P. and Dellwik, E. 2002. Risø-R-1350(EN), Roskilde, Denmark. Available at, pp. 72

    37. Hasager, C.B., Olioso, A., Jacob, F., 2001. Scaling surface heat flux from eddy correlation data to NOAA AVHRR resolution with a microscale flux aggregation model for the Alpilles experiment in France. Workshop on Remote Sensing in Hydrology, Montpellier, France, 2-5 October 2001.

    38. Hasager, C.B., Olioso, A., Jacob, F., 2002a. Parametrisation of aggregated roughness and sensible heat flux from field scale to hydrological scale by microscale modelling in the Alpilles experiment in France. Abstract EGS. 27ème Assemblée Générale de l'EGS; Nice (FRA), 2002/04/21-26: 1 p.

    39. Hasager, C.B., Olioso, A., Jensen, N.O. 2004 Surface sensible heat flux upscaling: examples from Alpilles in France., Paris, France, 18th-24th July 2004. 35th COSPAR 2004 conference

    40. Hasager, C.B.,Olioso, A., Jacob, F. 2002 Scaling surface heat flux from eddy correlation data to NOAA AVHRR resolution with a microscale flux aggregation model for the Alpilles experiment in France. In: Proceedings on Workshop on Remote Sensing in Hydrology, Montpellier, 2-5 October 2001 France (in press)

    41. Hasager, C.B.; Olioso, A.; Jacob, F., Parametrisation of aggregated roughness and sensible heat flux from field scale to hydrological scale by microscale modelling in the Alpilles experiment in France. EGS 2002, 27. General assembly, Nice (FR), 21-26 Apr 2002. Geophys. Res. Abstr. (CD-ROM) (2002) 4.

    42. J.Ezzahar,AG.Chehbouni, J.C.B.Hoedjes, S.Erraki , A. Chehbouni,  A.Lakhal, B.Duchemin, R.Hadria, G.boulet, J.-M. Bonnefond. Integrated sensible heat flux measurement over different surfaces using a Large Aperture Scintillometer. Impetus workshop, Ouarzazate , Morocco , 2004.

    43. Jacob F., Olioso A., Gu, X.-F., Hanocq, J.-F., Hautecoeur O., François C., 2001. Mapping surface fluxes over the ReSeDA experiment using high spatial resolution optical remote sensing data. Preliminary results. In Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Physical Measurements and Signatures in Remote Sensing. Janvier 2001, Aussois, France. CNES, ISPRS. CNES, Toulouse. 745-750.

    44. Jacob F., Olioso A., Weiss M., Baret F., Hanocq J.-F., Hautecoeur O., Leroy M., François C., Ottlé C., 2001. Mapping surface albedo over the ReSeDA experimental site using high spatial resolution multi-directional and multi-spectral remote sensing data. In Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Physical Measurements and Signatures in Remote Sensing. Janvier 2001, Aussois, France. CNES, ISPRS. CNES, Toulouse. 297-302.

    45. Jacob, F., Olioso, A., 2002d. Assessing recent algorithms devoted to albedo estimation using the airborne ReSeDA / PolDER database. First International Symposium on Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing, 16-20 September 2002, Valencia, Spain. J.A. Sobrino (Ed.). Publicacions de la Universitat de València, España. pp.191-198.

    46. Jensen N.O, C.B.Hasager, P.Hummelshøj, K.Pilegaard and R.Barthelmie 2000. Surface flux variability in relation to the mesoscale. In: Exchange and transport of air pollutants over complex terrain and the sea. Larsen, S.E.; Fiedler, F.; Borrell, P. (eds.), (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2000) (Transport and chemical transformation of pollutants in the troposphere, v. 9) p. 322-328

    47. Jensen, N.O. and C.B. Hasager 2000 Scaling up evaporation from field to regional estimates. EGS 2000, 25. General assembly: Millennium conference on earth, planetary and solar systems sciences, Nice (FR), 25-29 Apr 2000. Geophys. Res. Abstr. (CD-ROM) (2000).

    48. Jensen, N.O. and C.B.Hasager, 1999 Surface heat flux averaging in heterogeneous terrain, IUGG 99, Birmingham, UK, 18-30 July 1999 (abstract)

    49. Jensen, N.O., Hasager, C.B., Olioso, A., 2002a. Remote sensing images used for aggregation of the scalar roughness, z0t. Poster at the yearly Danish Society on Atmospheric Research (DSAR) meeting, October 29, 2002, Risoe, Danemark.

    50. Jensen, N.O., Hasager, C.B., Olioso, A., 2002b. Remote sensing images used for aggregation of the scalar roughness, z0t. Seminardag: Remote sensing anvendt i hydrologi og agrometeorologi, Københavns Universitet, København (DK), 8. Nov 2002.

    51. Jensen, N.O.; Hasager, C.B., On modelling area averages (aggregation) of momentum and surface heat fluxes based on satellite observations of LAI, land cover, surface temperature and roughness. Seminardag: Remote sensing anvendt i hydrologi og agrometeorologi, Københavns Universitet, København (DK), 8. Nov 2002. See abstract

    52. Jensen, N.O.; Hasager, C.B.; Olioso, A., Remote sensing images for aggregation of the scalar roughness, z0t. DSAR konference, Risø (DK), 29 Oct 2002. See poster 

    53. Jensen, N.O.; Hasager, C.B.; Olioso, A., Remote sensing images used for aggregation of the scalar roughness, ?z0t. Seminardag: Remote sensing anvendt i hydrologi og agrometeorologi, Københavns Universitet, København (DK), 8. Nov 2002. See abstract

    54. Jensen, N.O.; Hasager, CB.; Olioso, A., Remote sensing images for aggregation of the scalar roughness, z0t (poster). DSAR konference, Risø (DK), 29 Oct, 2002.

    55. Jensen, N.O.; Hasager, CB.; Olioso, A., Remote sensing images for aggregation of the scalar roughness, zeta_0_t_centre dot. Seminardag: Remote sensing anvendt i hydrologi og agrometeorologi, Københavns Universitet, Københavns (DK), 8 Nov 2002. Abstract and poster.

    56. Jiménez Muñoz, Juan Carlos, Estimación de la temperatura de la superficie terrestre a partir de datos DAIS: La Experiencia DAISEX, MSS degree, University of Valencia, 2002.

    57. Jiménez-Muñoz J. C. and J. A. Sobrino. Un método monocanal generalizado para obtener la temperatura de la superficie terrestre a partir de datos de teledetección X Congreso Nacional teledetección, Caceres 17-19 Septiembre 2003.

    58. Jiménez-Muñoz J.C., J. A. Sobrino, J. El-Kharraz, M. Gómez, M. Romaguera and G. Sòria.  Synergistic use of DAIS bands to Retrieve Land Surface Emissivity and temperature. 23th International Geoscience And Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Toulouse, France, July 21-25, 2003.

    59. Jimenez-Muñoz, J. C, M. Gómez, J. A. Sobrino, G. Soria, J. El Kharraz, J. Laed Nachbrand, Retrieval of biophysical parameters from DAIS data, First International Symposium on Recent Advances and quantitative Remote Sensing, Recent Advances and quantitative Remote Sensing, Ed. J. A. Sobrino, Servei de Publicacions, Universitat de Valencia, pp.566-572. (ISBN: 84-370-5515-6), 16-20 Septiembre 2002, Torrent-Valencia, España, 2002.

    60. Lakhal A. , G. Boulet,  A. Chehbouni, EK. Lakhal, J.Ezzahar, R. Hadria, S. Er-raki.  Designing a physically-based bucket SVAT model for SPATIALISATION OF WATER NEEDS Impetus workshop, Ouarzazate , Morocco , 2004.

    61. Lemsanni, A., 2000, Etude régionale et localisée de la dynamique de la désertification au Maroc : Apport de la télédétection et des SIG, Thèse de doctorat de l’Ecole Mohammadia des Ingénieurs, 205 p, soutenue le 04 décembre 2000.

    62. Li, Z.-L,  L. Jia, Z. Su, R. H. Zhang, X. Sun, H. B. Su, X. Z. Tang, J. A. Sobrino, Inferring of soil and vegetation component temperatures for a mixture land surface from multidirectional and multispectral data, First International Symposium on Recent Advances and quantitative Remote Sensing. Recent Advances and Quantitative Remote Sensing, Ed. J. A. Sobrino, Servei de Publicacions, Universitat de Valencia, pp.952-955. (ISBN: 84-370-5515-6), 16-20 Septiembre 2002, Torrent-Valencia, España, 2002.

    63. Li, Z.-L. R. H. Zhang, X. Sun, H. B. Su, X. Z. Tang, Z. Zhu, J. A. Sobrino, Experimental system for the study of the directional thermal emission of natural surfaces, First International Symposium on Recent Advances and quantitative Remote Sensing, Recent Advances and quantitative Remote Sensing, Ed. J. A. Sobrino, Servei de Publicacions, Universitat de Valencia, pp.679-685. (ISBN: 84-370-5515-6), 16-20 Septiembre 2002, Torrent-Valencia, España, 2002.

    64. Morales, L. J., J. C. Parra, J. A. Sobrino, Estimating land surface temperature in South America from NOAA-AVHRR images and reanalysis data, First International Symposium on Recent Advances and quantitative Remote Sensing, Recent Advances and Quantitative Remote Sensing, Ed. J. A. Sobrino, Servei de Publicacions, Universitat de Valencia, pp.698-706. (ISBN: 84-370-5515-6).

    65. Olioso, A., Hasager, C., Jacob, F., Wassenaar, T., Chehbouni, A., Marloie, O., Lecharpentier, P., Courault, D., 2002c. Mapping surface sensible heat flux from thermal infrared and reflectances data using various models over the Alpilles test site. First International Symposium on Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing, 16-20 September 2002, Valencia, Spain. J.A. Sobrino (Ed.). Publicacions de la Universitat de València, España. pp. 450-457.

    66. Olioso, A., Inoue, Y., Ortega-Farias, S., Demarty, J., Wigneron, J.-P., Braud, I., Jacob, F., Lecharpentier, P., Ottlé, C., Calvet, J.-C., Brisson, N., 2003. Assimilation of remote sensing data into crop simulation models and SVAT models for evapotranspiration and irrigation monitoring. In International Workshop on Use of Remote Sensing of Crop Evapotranspiration for Large Regions, 17, September, 2003, Montpellier, France. CD-rom édité par l’ICID-CIID. 15p.

    67. Olioso, A.; Jacob, F.; Hadjar, D.; Lecharpentier, P.; Hasager, C.B., 2002 Spatial distribution of evapotranspiration and aerodynamic roughness from optical remote sensing. In: Proceedings of International workshop on landscape heterogeneity and aerodynamic roughness: Modelling and remote sensing perspectives, Antwerp (BE), 12 Oct 2001. Debie, H.; Ridder, K. De (eds.), TAP/R/05 (2002) p. 19-26

    68. Paolini, L. J. A. Sobrino, J. C, Jiménez-Muñoz, Evaluating landslides regimen change in Northern Argentina Montane Ecosystems, using Landsat TM images, First International Symposium on Recent Advances and quantitative Remote Sensing, Recent Advances and quantitative Remote Sensing, Ed. J. A. Sobrino, Servei de Publicacions, Universitat de Valencia, pp.482-487. (ISBN: 84-370-5515-6), 16-20 September 2002, Torrent -Valencia, España, 2002.

    69. Parra, J. C., J. A. Sobrino, L. Morales-Salinas, Cartography of thermal inertia for deposits of volcanic ash from AVHRR‑NOAA data: eruption of Lonquimay Volcano (1988), Chile, First International Symposium on Recent Advances and quantitative Remote Sensing. Recent Advances and Quantitative Remote Sensing, Ed. J. A. Sobrino, Servei de Publicacions, Universitat de Valencia, pp.952-955. (ISBN: 84-370-5515-6), 16-20 Septiembre 2002, Torrent-Valencia, España, 2002.

    70. Pellenq J., Boulet G., Chehbouni G., Entekhabi D., Mc Maughlin D., INRA, Séminaire du Département Environnement & Agronomie, Spatialisation de modèles de cultures, 14-15 janvier 2002, Toulouse, France.

    71. R. Hadria , B. Duchemin , A. Lahrouni , S. Khabba , G. Boulet , A. Chehbouni , G. Dedieu , S. Er-Raki , J. Ezzahar , A.Lakhal , B. Mougenot.Estimation of wheat Evapotranspiration in MOROCCO: Presentation and application of the stics crop model. Impetus workshop, Ouarzazate, Morocco , 2004.

    72. Raissouni, N. and J. A. Sobrino, 2001. Land cover dynamic monitoring in the  Mediterranean basin using the Pathfinder AVHRR Land data. In Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Physical Measurements and Signatures in Remote Sensing. Janvier 2001, Aussois, France. CNES, ISPRS. CNES, Toulouse. 19-24.

    73. Rodriguez, B. Duchemin, C.J. Watts, R. Hadria., J. Garatuza, A. Chehbouni, G. Boulet, M. Armenta, and S. Er-Raki. Wheat yields estimation using remote sensing and crop modeling in Yaqui Valley in Mexico.

    74. S. Berrazzouk, N. Guemouria, A. Chehbouni, A. Cheggour, V. Simonneaux. Historique de l’occupation du sol à Marrakech et impact sur les ressources en eau, Impetus workshop, Ouarzazate , Morocco , 2004.

    75. S.Er-RAKI, A. Chehbouni, N.Guemouria, J.Ezzahar, B. Duchemin, R.Hadria, G.Boulet, A.Lakhal ,  J.C.Rodriguez . The feasibility of using remotely sensed measures of vegetation index to estimate crop water requirement of winter wheat in semi arid region (Marrakech, Morocco). Impetus workshop, Ouarzazate , Morocco , 2004.

    76. Sobrino J.A., J.C. Jiménez-Muñoz, J. El-Kharraz, M. Gómez, M. Romaguera and G. Sòria. Analyzing Angular and Up-Scalling effects in the thermal infrared region from DAIS data. European Geophysical Society, Nice (France), 6-11 April  2003.                                             

    77. Sobrino J.A., M. Gómez, J.C. Jiménez-Muñoz, G. Sòria, J. El-Kharraz and M. Romaguera. Estimation of the evapotranspiration from DAIS data. European Geophysical Society, Nice (France), 6-11 April  2003.

    78. Sobrino, J. A J. El Kharraz, M. Romaguera, M. Gómez, J. C. Jimenez-Muñoz, G. Soria, Land cover change monitoring in the Mediterranean Basin using NOAA-Pathfinder time series (1981-2001): WATERMED project, First International Symposium on Recent Advances and Quantitative Remote Sensing, Recent Advances and quantitative Remote Sensing, Ed. J. A. Sobrino, Servei de Publicacions, Universitat de Valencia, pp.935-940. (ISBN: 84-370-5515-6), 16-20 September 2002, Torrent-Valencia, España, 2002.

    79. Sobrino, J. A S. Reíllo, S. Laporta, Algorithms for estimating surface temperature from ATSR-2 data, The EOS/SPIE Symposium on Remote Sensing, Barcelona- Spain, 25- 29 September 2000.

    80. Sobrino, J. A, J. Cuenca, G. Soria, Angular variation of thermal infrared emissivity for some natural surfaces from laboratory and field measurements, First International Symposium on Recent Advances and quantitative Remote Sensing, Recent Advances and Quantitative Remote Sensing, Ed. J. A. Sobrino, Servei de Publicacions, Universitat de Valencia, pp.946-951. (ISBN: 84-370-5515-6), 16-20 September 2002, Torrent-Valencia, España, 2002.

    81. Sobrino, J. A. G. Sòria, J. Cuenca, A.J. Prata, J.C. Jiménez-Muñoz, M. Gómez and J. El-Kharraz. Angular effect on Surface Temperature estimation from AATSR data. 23th International Geoscience And Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Toulouse, France, July 21-25, 2003.

    82. Sobrino, J. A. J. El-Kharraz, Z. Wan, Surface temperature retrieval from MODIS data, The EOS/SPIE Symposium on Remote Sensing, Barcelona- Spain, 25- 29 September 2000.

    83. Sobrino, J. A., N. Raissouni, A. Olioso, C. B. Hasager, M. Aït Belaid, S. Abdel Rahman, 2000, WATERMED - WATer use Efficiency in natural vegetation and agricultural areas by Remote sensing in the MEDiterranean basin (European Union Project). Middle East and African Remote Sensing International Symposium MARISY-2000. Rabat. Morocco, 26-27 Octobre 2000.

    84. Sobrino, J. A., N. Raissouni, J. Labed, F. Nerry and Z-L. Li, 2001. Land surface emissivity retrieval from coarse and high resolution satellite data. . In Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Physical Measurements and Signatures in Remote Sensing. Janvier 2001, Aussois, France. CNES, ISPRS. CNES, Toulouse. 531-536.

    85. Sobrino, J. A., Naoufal Raïssouni, Albert Olioso, Charlotte Bay Hasager, Mohamed Aït Belaid, Sami Abdel Rahman  and A. Ghani Chehbouni (2001). WATERMED - WATer use Efficiency in natural vegetation and agricultural areas by Remote sensing in the MEDiterranean basin, IGARSS, IEEE (2001) Intern. Geosc. and Rem. Sens. Symp., Univ of New south Wales, Sydney, Australia 9-13 July, 2001.

    86. Sobrino, J.A.,  Juan C. Jiménez-Muñoz, F. Nerry and S. Laporta, Split-Window methods for surface temperature estimation from DAIS data, Proceeding of the EOS/SPIE Symposium on Remote Sensing, 2000.

    87. Sobrino, J.A.,  Naoufal Raissouni, Jélila Labed, Françoise Nerry, Zhao-Liang Li and Juan C. Jiménez, Land surface emissivity retrieval from semote sensing data, Proceeding of the 8th International Symposium "Physical Measurements & Signatures in Remote Sensing", CNES series, pp. 531-536, 2001.

    88. Sobrino, J.A., Chehbouni, G., El Kharraz, J., Gomez, M., Guemouria, N., Hasager, C.B., Olioso, A., Rahman, S.A., 2001a. Watermed - Water use efficiency in natural vegetation and agricultural areas by remote sensing in the Mediterranean basin. Symposium international « les régions arides surveillées depuis l’espace : de l'observation à la modélisation pour la gestion durable » ("Arid Regions Monitored by Satellites : from Observing to Modeling for Sustainable Management"). Faculté des Sciences Semlalia. Université Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech, Royaume du Maroc.12-15 Novembre 2001.

    89. Sobrino, J.A., G. Sòria, J. C. Jímenez-Muñoz, J. El Kharraz, M. Gómez, Thermal measurements in support of SIFLEX, 1st Workshop on Remote Sensing of Solar Induced vegetation Fluorescence, (in press), 19 &20 June, ESA-ESTEC, Noordwijk, Holanda, 2002.

    90. Sobrino, J.A., J. C. Jiménez-Muñoz, Retrieval of Thermal information from the DAISEX dataset, Scientific Analysis of the ESA Airborne Multi-Annual Imaging Spectrometer Campaign, DAISEX. (Mid term review meeting), 21 June, ESA-ESTEC, Noordwijk, Holanda, 2002.

    91. Sobrino, J.A., J. Cuenca, J. El-Kharraz, M. Gómez, Juan C. Jiménez-Muñoz, N. Raissouni and G. Sòria. Multi-Temporal Analysis Using NOAA-Pathfinder AVHRR Land Imagery For The Study Of The Land Cover Dynamic In The Mediterranean Basin. First International Workshop on the Analysis of Multi-temporal Remote Sensing images. Joint Research Centre European Commission. Universidad de Trento, Trento, Italy.  September 2001.

    92. Sobrino, J.A., N. Raissouni, J. El-Kharraz, J.C. Jiménez and G. Sòria. Land Cover Dynamic monitoring in the Mediterranean Basin. IX Congreso Nacional de Teledetección – Medio Ambiente y Cambio Global. Universitat de Lleida y Editorial Milenio. Lleida 19-21 september 2001.

    93. Sobrino, J.A., Raissouni, N., Olioso, A., Hasager, C.B., Belaid, M.A., Rahman, S.A., Chehbouni, A.G., 2001b. WATERMED – WATer use Efficiency in natural vegetation and agricultural areas by Remote sensing in the MEDiterranean basin. In IGARSS 2001. Juillet 2001, Sydney, Australie, CDRom : paper 223.pdf, 3pp.

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    Publisher Dr. Jauad El Kharraz
    Type of document Proceedings
    Rights Public
    File link
    Source of information GCU- Global Change Unit (University of Valencia)
    Keyword(s) NOAA, AVHRR, MODIS, AATSR, NDVI, LANDSAT, Evapotranspiration, albedo, water use efficiency, remote sensing
    Geographical coverage Morocco, Spain, France, Denmark, Egypt